Joined January 2011
Weight History

Start Weight
160.0 lb
Lost so far: 5.0 lb

Current Weight
155.0 lb
Performance: Steady

Goal Weight
125.0 lb
Still to go: 30.0 lb
I'm extremely close to being in a healthy BMI range, but have been struggling the last year to make it happen. Weight fluctuating on me is nothing new. I have a beautiful family with a 14-year-old son, 11-year-old daughter, several pets and a boyfriend that I'll marry when I finish school. He's an outstanding guy who always keeps my self esteem up and supports all my hare-brained ideas about how to lose weight. He's an amazing father figure to my children, and as a whole, we have a beautiful life. Now, to have a beautiful body!

Car0line's Weight History


last weighin: gaining 0.2 lb a week Up
only visible to followers
last weighin: losing 5.3 lb a week Down
last weighin: losing 21.0 lb a week Down

Car0line's Cookbook

cals: 226kcal | fat: 6.27g | carbs: 15.33g | prot: 27.43g
Pad Beef Basil
Spicy Thai beef dish to be eaten on its own, over rice or with lettuce wraps.
cals: 176kcal | fat: 5.83g | carbs: 14.06g | prot: 19.72g
Turkey & Vegetables Skillet
A quick, easy and low calorie turkey meal.
cals: 223kcal | fat: 5.88g | carbs: 40.17g | prot: 3.30g
Banana Zucchini Carrot Bread
Classic banana bread (or muffins) with a twist.
cals: 360kcal | fat: 18.87g | carbs: 17.10g | prot: 31.73g
Fiesta Lime Chicken with Zucchini
Chicken breast cutlet sauteed with lime with a side of zucchini and yellow squash.
cals: 150kcal | fat: 7.39g | carbs: 5.40g | prot: 7.88g
Garlic Basil Shrimp
A versatile shrimp dish using fresh basil and white wine with garlic.
view complete cookbook

Car0line's Latest Posts

Whats the best substitute adiction to a food addict?
Hi Nicole! I was checking in on some buddies and ended up here. I wanted to take a moment to comment on your post, and honestly I haven't read every single reply, so if this is redundant, I apologize.

Addiction is a brain disease, but before you freak on the word disease, know that this is curable. It takes time and you're going to have to practice self control. There are branches in the brain that release chemicals that tell your body how it feels. It sounds like you may be experiencing some Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. (The over whelming desire to perform an action that causes temporary relief and then is followed by guilt.) These branches eventually will make chemical pathways and basically recirculate themselves. By pruning your pathways, eventually you will teach your brain a new route. It doesn't have to be replaced by a habit, but that would work as well.

I'm not a health professional, so please don't just take my word for it. If you can, keep a diary to see what triggers these onsets, talk to a counselor (not a friend because friends have biased opinions), and as a rule, get busy! If you're spending time volunteering or at the gym, it's going to be that much harder to binge. Not to mention, the extra work should get you nice and tired for a good sleep instead of nervous eating.

I'm not sure how "severe" or to what degree you're doing this, but please do some personal research on the dangers of binging. Being overweight is only one side-effect. You're a beautiful girl and we all look forward to hearing from you!
posted 22 Jan 2011, 10:19
How much is a serving?
You're welcome! Good luck!
posted 16 Jan 2011, 22:54
How much is a serving?
There isn't. Look at the yield of the recipe, how many servings there are in total. If it says there are four servings, then 1/4 of the yield is your serving size. =)
posted 16 Jan 2011, 14:26
Car0line has submitted 3 posts

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