Joined March 2010
Weight History

Start Weight
411.0 lb
Lost so far: 29.0 lb

Current Weight
382.0 lb
Performance: gaining 0.8 lb a week

Goal Weight
300.0 lb
Still to go: 82.0 lb

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ended: 02 Sep 11
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last weighin: gaining 0.6 lb a week Up
last weighin: losing 0.1 lb a week Down

amphigory's Latest Posts

Looking to change it up...
fell4falls wrote:
My hubby and i have been doing LC/Atkins for a little over a month now. We are having pretty good results, but we have both had a bout with cheating this last week. We are looking to get back on track (re-start induction), but we are sick to death of eggs for breakfast. We were thinking about doing a homeade protein shake for breakfast, but I am not sure if that is ok on induction. Any thoughts or advice?

It really depends on the protein powder. You can make a pretty good protein shake with protein powder, water, heavy cream, and maybe some splenda and ice. It really just depends on your taste.

I like the stuff from Sam's club fairly well, it's whey protein and reasonably low-carb although I don't have the numbers right at this moment.
posted 09 Feb 2011, 16:12
Slipped Up
Jackee73 wrote:
Yes, that's the main drawback with Atkins. Falling off the horse by eating something not on the diet can set you back 2 to 3 days and for some people a week.

It's a little bit more complicated than that, because "weight" is really not a very good measure of what you really want, which is "fat loss". The "setback" is really only a matter of numbers on a scale--water weight--and you're probably still losing fat underneath it all.

You see, what happens when you first start on Atkins is that you deplete your glycogen stores. Why is this relevant? Because glycogen is the storage form of carbohydrate in the body, and it is bound up with water. This is why you lose weight so rapidly when you first start Atkins (or any weight loss program, really): because you deplete your glycogen stores and lose water weight. However, on Atkins your glycogen stores stay extremely depleted. When you eat carbohydrate, your body seizes on that carbohydrate and puts it in your glycogen stores, binding water in the process. In other words, you gain back some of the water weight you lost. When athletes "carbo load" before a big event, this is what they are doing: filling up their glycogen stores.

The key point, however, is that it's just water weight, not fat. Case in point: I cheated last week and promptly gained 5 lbs. in one day. However, 5 days later I'm 2.5 lbs. below my weight before I cheated, and I'll probably end the week down 4-5 lbs. Why? That was just water weight, and I kept right on losing fat underneath the water weight fluctuations caused by my episode of cheating.

This is why a lot of experts recommend not weighing yourself everyday--because water weight fluctuates so much. Personally, I find weighing myself everyday helpful -- if I lose it keeps me motivated, and if I gain it motivates me even more. But your mileage may vary.

posted 09 Feb 2011, 10:13
Is Food Addiction Real?
In this video, "Sugar: The Bitter Truth", Dr. Robert Lustig does a brilliant job of showing how sugar (including HFCS) and ethanol are metabolized in much the same way:

What struck me about this is this: is it possible that part of why alcohol is addictive lies in the liver and the endocrine system, not the brain? And perhaps we are experiencing this same effect when we eat processed foods loaded up with HFCS.

In any case, this video is highly recommended.
posted 07 Feb 2011, 19:03
Sick during induction?
Oddly, my experience being a whole-foods vegetarian (not quite vegan, but close) was the opposite to that reported. When I first started the diet, I experienced gas and bloating from all the fiber that my system wasn't used to. After several years on a whole-foods vegetarian diet, I not only gained quite a bit of weight (going from 355 lbs. to 415 lbs.) but became a type 2 diabetic.

Your mileage may vary, but there are plenty of people out there that report lots of energy and so forth on Atkins -- myself being one of them. The "Induction Flu" is a temporary phenomenon by all accounts, I highly suggest not letting it derail you.
posted 07 Feb 2011, 15:59
Still feeling sick and the breath and body odor?? Is this normal??
I'm not sure about bad *body* odor... bad breath is a well known issue, but never heard of bad body odor before.

As far as feeling sick, try consuming extra salt. The new version fo the Atkins book recommends consuming a couple of cups of chicken broth (not low-sodium!) daily. Apparently that will clear the feeling sick symptoms up.

I'm really not sure how Atkins would interact with a gastric bypass, but I would think you would have to deal with it on a "most restrictive" basis -- i.e. you can only eat what the gastric bypass can handle. The gastric bypass diet is low-carb anyway.
posted 07 Feb 2011, 10:26
amphigory has submitted 5 posts

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