Joined July 2010
Weight History

Start Weight
215.0 lb
Lost so far: 3.0 lb

Current Weight
218.0 lb
Performance: gaining 0.6 lb a week

Goal Weight
210.0 lb
Still to go: 8.0 lb
I'm 26, male, and have been active my whole life. I am a personal trainer and love working out. I am a mixture of natural bodybuilder and strength athlete.

I usually maintain a body fat level of about 8-10% most of the year, at a bodyweight of 210-220. If I do decide to bulk, which I have not done in a few years, I will allow myself to creep up to 12%. I have never truly tried to trim down to about 6% body fat, but I am currently on the road to doing so. I am on day 2 of a 15 day cut, with cardio twice daily, weights 6 days per week, and a diet with calories in the 2,500-3,000 range, 45% carbs, 35% protein, and 20% fat. I find that I need the carbs to stay a bit higher, because if I don't have them I flatten out and lose energy.

I'm guessing my daily output from the cardio and the weights adds up to at least 1,500 calories burned from exercise, and adding my RMR into the equation, I create a pretty big deficit for myself, which is what needs to be done to try to get down to that kind of body fat.

I am doing this because I'm going on vacation and one of my friends wants to be leaner than me, which is not happening haha.

Gallaman's Weight History


last weighin: gaining 2.4 lb a week Up
last weighin: steady Steady

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Need your opinion....
I'd like to throw in my two cents here hopefully without stepping on any shoes, as I also am here to learn more about my eating methods. To me, intensity can mean different things. Bodybuilders see it as the most amount of work in the least amount of time. Attempting to increase that amount of work in that same time frame will cause some type of change either in hypertrophy or strength.

However, take that bodybuilder and have him dance like a professional dancer would in practice and he'd be heaving into the garbage can 20 minutes in, most likely.

I think that intensity cannot be generalized in such a way. One cannot simply say "weight training is more intens(ive) than dancing" because it depends on who you are talking to. Someone that weight trains all the time will find dancing probably just as intense as some weight training sessions. Someone that dances for a living would probably find the weights to be just the same, provided they know how to push themselves.

And there we find another issue - intensity vs. effort. Does a higher perceived level of exertion mean greater intensity? I think most people would say yes. If that's true, again, it all comes down to what you are used to doing as an exerciser. As a natural bodybuilder, I'd get owned by someone who regularly runs for 10 miles at a shot. 3 miles in I'd be done, and I'd find it just as intense as a hard weight workout (and that's coming from someone who used to squat 365 for a death set of 20).

Intensity is all relative. But, whatever. It all comes down to what do you want your body to look like and feel, and then train accordingly with an open-mind.
posted 13 Jul 2010, 22:14
Gallaman has submitted 1 post

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