RoundIsAShape's Journal, 16 May 2013

"I do not deserve it." I am realizing that when it comes to things I want out of life, those five words have played a far bigger role than they should have. The funny thing is that it was never, or at least almost never, something I realized I was feeling.. at least not consciously.

When the bills were starting to pile up and I would see someone less qualified earning more (sometimes much more) than me, why didn't I act? It wasn't just a matter of loyalty to my employer.

When the weight kept piling on year after year, why did I let it continue? It wasn't that I didn't notice.

When I saw that not having the correct certification or specific training was holding me back, why didn't I go and get them? It wasn't that I didn't think I was capable of it.

When I hit forty and still hadn't learned a foreign language, even though I had always wanted to, why didn't I do something about it? It wasn't that I thought I was too dumb to do it.

I suppose that some of the problem is that it is easier to continue on the way you always have than to make the effort to make a change. In some cases, the fear of rejection or failure may have played a part.

Until a year or two ago, I would have told you that "it definitely is not because I'm lazy." Now, I'm not so sure it was that true. (Actually I may not have even admitted to myself then that there was a real problem!)

Before, instead of trying to find the root of the problems, I'd talk myself out of acting with lines like "I don't have enough time." "I'm tired.", "It's too much work.", "I can't afford it." or "It's too risky."

As I make more and more changes in my life, however, I'm starting to realize that, at the heart of things, I never really felt I deserved what I had, much less what I wanted. I have a great wife, great kids, a steady job, reasonably good health and am generally pretty satisfied with life. How could I dare ask for more when I already have it so good?

The undercurrent of my thoughts was "I do not deserve it" regarding what I already had. How could I hope to feel like I deserved anything more?

There is nothing wrong with feeling that you deserve to make the most of your life. There is also nothing wrong with pursuing it as long as you aren't doing it at the expense of others. I've said that before, but saying it and accepting/believing it are not the same thing.

But things are changing. I'm starting to accept that I do deserve to be happy. I realize that I'm cheating myself (and my loved ones) if I don't make an effort to make the most out of life.

Now I'm finished with course I and II of a set of three conversational German courses. It is taking months, but what else do I have to do during my commute to/from work anyhow?

I am about to get an important certification related to my line of work. Also, this week I finally admitted to myself that I should have changed jobs long ago. Once I did, I knew it was time to move on. More specifically, it is still time to move on even if things don't work out with the company I have been interviewing with.

I shelled out $1,001 for a pair of online classes I'll need to get a couple more key certifications. These are ones that I really need to get a job somewhere else right now. No, I can't afford it. But it really is an investment. Having them will not only help me get a job, but will result in enough extra pay to cover their cost (plus the interest on the credit card) within a year.

There is another reason I did it though. It will force me out of my current job even if the "I don't deserve it" mindset sneaks in to distract me. The certifications won't mean a single penny extra for my pay if I stay... and that means I would be struggling to pay off that credit card charge if I don't follow through on my job change.

In other words I did it because, darn it, I do deserve to be making at least close to what others in my field are making. I'm not going to let self-doubt and the comfort of sticking with the familiar sidetrack me this time.

What does this have to do with weight loss? A lot actually. I deserve to be healthy and have energy. Giving up on the struggle or not putting in the effort needed to lose weight is cheating myself out of a better life. I did not do anything to deserve being overweight, tired and unhealthy. Now I just need to keep reminding myself of that.


Loved reading your journal today. Thanks for the reminder we are all deserving of success and happiness in life! 
17 May 13 by member: Tmcaporale
Amazing journal........and wow, made me thing and concider what words run through my head. Guess what? Turns out I say that a lot too. Thanks for making me think about it. And great job on learning German!  
17 May 13 by member: Rubie-sue
Excellent post! It's always a good thing to do a bit of introspective thinking! Check out if you're serious about changing your attitude toward yourself... Sign up for her newsletter; she is very enlightening! 
17 May 13 by member: chereeguitar
Wow! Our actions do begin with our thoughts. I love your perseverance and courage in going against those old lies and the feelings that accompany them.  
17 May 13 by member: chrismiss
Thanks everyone for the positive comments! 
17 May 13 by member: RoundIsAShape
YES!!! A lot of people are stagnant in life. When a certification will clearly increase your pay, heck WHY NOT!!! you do deserve it. Hopefully it will enrich your life and add a depth. I love learning. Just don't like paying for it or taking the tests:-)  
17 May 13 by member: Lizzygracemusic
I'm told by the online training company that it will take about 40 hours to go through the course. Unless the pace picks up from the first section though, I'd say that is probably 40 hours for each of the two courses and not 40 hours for both combined. Then there is still the cost of the test and a matter of actually taking the test of course. Maybe it's time to stop thinking about how much there is to do and just do it, huh? ;) 
17 May 13 by member: RoundIsAShape
GGreat journal! We are our own biggest critics. Glad you know that you are worth all of it. Because you will only get out what you put in. :) 
17 May 13 by member: iamachristianjesusfreak
Oh ya, shut up and sit down and suck it up:-) that is what I told myself. My class was 60 hours, and am sure it took a lot longer than that! Don't look at the cost, get that out of your head. TURN THAT OFF! Just DO IT! You paid for it. I had to pay 115 just to sit for the test after the class fee and still have to pay for another license, mo- money to make money, money begets money.  
17 May 13 by member: Lizzygracemusic
Yep, that's how I feel. (Just DO IT or it will never get done!) I've put in somewhere around 16 hours since Monday already. I'm home alone today through Tuesday so I plan to do marathon studying weekend. I'm not letting this hang out there for any longer than I have to. Not to mention the fact that it has more value BEFORE I agree to a salary than after. 
17 May 13 by member: RoundIsAShape


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