Joined January 2014
Weight History

Start Weight
162.0 lb
Lost so far: 17.0 lb

Current Weight
145.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.7 lb a week

Goal Weight
145.0 lb
Still to go: 0 lb

60diana's Weight History

60diana's Latest Posts

drinking water strategy
I think the secret is consisted, day long intake. Drinking very large amounts hours apart doesn't allow your body to slowly absorb it. One thing I learned accidentally-ice water works best because your metabolism has to kick in to warm it before it can be absorbed. I used to drink only room temp but now only during and right after exercise to get it into my system quickly. try drinking 1/2 cup every hour to begin. Easy to do and doesn't overwhelm your system. i do drink 2 glasses first thing in the morning to rev things up and 2 glasses around dinner time to help stay hydrated at night.
posted 01 Sep 2014, 17:54
I'm going to try this Atkins thing:)
I have know several friends who did this diet regularly-about every six months. Reason? Hard (for them impossible) to sustain long term. Yes, weight dropped right off-and came right back when they went back to an even modified normal diet. Anything high in animal fat is proven harmful long term. Try introducing other delicious, higher calorie foods but please be careful about indiscriminately adding lots of animal fats in place of nutritious fruits and vegetables.
posted 01 Sep 2014, 17:50
how can I boost my metabolism and decrease my body's resistance?
Great ideas from everyone. Try incorporating chia seeds a couple of times a day-helps with constipation. Sadly, eating any simple carbs trigger your body to crave them all day long. I eat quinoa, nonfat yogurt, dark berries, chia seeds and chopped almonds every morning-don't get hungry tip afternoon but don't forget to eat something for lunch. And, getting enough sleep is crucial. Lack of sleep helps create cortisol in your body which makes you hold onto fat and also triggers "brown" fat in abdomen-serious health issue. It is your health and feeling of well being that is vital for a life of good health, not what the scale says. Don't forget-weight training makes your body burn fat more efficiently even when sitting still.
posted 01 Sep 2014, 17:42
One thing I know to be absolutely true-if you don't buy it and have it at home, life is much simpler and more successful.
posted 01 Sep 2014, 17:37
I have similar, but not as serious, condition-very high triglycerides. I went on what I call the "kale and quinoa" diet. Basically no whites-fruits, vegetables, grains. Includes apples, pears, white grapes, wild rice, carrots (sugar), -anything that is white inside. Lots of green, dark fruits and vegetables-kale, blueberries, raspberries, spinach, peppers, sweet potatoes (limited), tomatoes, onions (limited-sugar). I eat quinoa every day (total protein), use only olive oil and butter, only lo-or fat free cheeses and dairy. I know it sounds rough but actually eat very, very well. I lost 30 pounds in 3 months without even trying. As the weight comes off, activity goes up. Add in chia seeds to yogurt. I also don't drink any fruit juices-lots of mineral water and tea. No alcohol-much easier than I thought. Now that my numbers are in excellent range, I will have a very occasional cocktail, no wine. I eat really nutty grainy bread-Triscuit crackers a great snack-pure whole grains. Good luck
posted 01 Sep 2014, 17:36
60diana has submitted 5 posts

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