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08 September 2008

Good Morning FS buddies!

Well, so much for the challenges... I didn't do all that great this week. So much going on in my life and my focus just is not there. I have one more trip coming up this month, then I will be mostly staying in town for quite some time, so hopefully I can get back in the swing of things.

Did do good yesterday... Hubby and I got up at a decent time, took daughter to work, then hit the gym for a cardio workout. I was amazed by myself... normally I walk on the treadmill at about 3.5 for 30 minutes... I was able to walk at 3.8, and even jogged at 5 for 10 minutes!!! In the past, when I've tried to jog, I give it up after a very short time (like 2 minutes at the most!), but I'm guessing that my lower weight has led to higher stamina.?..... So, because of that, in my 30 minutes on the treadmill, I went more than 2 miles!!

Hubby made a deal with our youngest daughter last night concerning the gym... Since the cell phone is her life, he told her that for every day that she goes with us to the gym, she will be given her phone, but if she has the ability to go and chooses not to, the phone will be ours. I hate that we have to 'bribe' her, but I'm at a loss. I worry about her health since she is so young and so heavy.... there's no way that can be good for her at all, so we feel like we need to do something!

We also had my company picnic yesterday. Once again, I was surprised at the comments I received. Many people saying "Wow, you look great! What have you been doing?" It's nice to get that recognition.

Not a lot more going on. Regular busy day off today getting ready for my work week to begin. Had both Saturday and Sunday off, which is a rarity, but didn't DO a whole lot. Have to finish up some shopping today, get some more laundry done (daily!), organize my office area, work on some spreadsheets for work, etc, etc, etc.... I wish I could say I was just going to go shopping all day today and buy whatever I want, but unfortunately, I didn't win the lottery over the weekend ;(

Have a SUPER FANTASTIC day everyone!
Weigh-in: 150.0 lb lost so far: 46.2 lb still to go: 15.0 lb Diet followed poorly
   (12 comments) gaining 2.4 lb a week

05 September 2008

Good morning FS buddies!

Just dropped in for a minute.. Have to run real soon (no, not literally). I am meeting with my boss this morning to go over my mid-year review and discuss the finalities of my new position. It will take about a month for the full transition, but I am so looking forward to it!

All the kids are back in school!! YAY!!

These are my three that are still at home.. Brittany (15), Ricky (11) and Courtney (13)-- left to right

My son was the only one who would let me get a picture with him :( He's almost as tall as me!!

This one is actually at my son's birthday party last month, but I spent some time playing with photobucket yesterday and finally got some pictures on there that I haven't been able to post. This is my hubby cutting the cake.

I will get some more pictures posted soon-- I think I'm getting this photobucket thing figured out!

Have a SUPER FANTASTIC day everyone!

03 September 2008

Good morning FS buddies!!

It's the bright, early, wonderful time of 6AM and I have already been up for an hour!! Hubby had to be at work a little earlier, then all the kids wanted to be up by 5:30. I had to sew a button onto a pair of pants, then just couldn't hold off on checking on my pals here, so here I am for a minute.

I noticed that I had some questions on my second journal yesterday, so thought I'd answer them here...

Your daughters START school at 7:25??? Or is that just when they have to leave? That sounds awefully early if it's when they start! Nope, Ev, that's when they START.... they like to be there by 7 or 7:10 to hang with friends first. So, yes, it's awfully early, especially when you take into consideration that they both have hair far below their shoulders which they feel needs to be straightened every morning, make up to put on, and possibly eat some breakfast... Thus, the 5:30 wake up time-- and we'll see if that's long enough :)

Are you going to make any special plans for your weekend off?
For my weekend off, I'm hoping to get up north to the Tacoma area to see my family (mom, brother and fam, and sister) and HOPEFULLY bullytrouble! I find it a little funny that her and I have known each other since we were about 10, she's the one who introduced me to this site, we only live 2 hours apart, yet we have not seen each other in YEARS (I've never met her daughters!!)! Seeing her will depend on their schedule, though.... And ALL of it depends on my husbands schedule... there's a possibility that he may have to work ;(

BTW, you know how they say that women who live together or are close tend to end up on the same cycle? Well, do you think the same is possible for women who journal daily on Fatsecret? TOM came to visit today, as I've seen he has visited so many others recently as well!! I'm feeling bloated and crampy. I'm looking forward to his series finale, but I hear that I probably still have at least 13 years before he even starts his exit :(

I suppose I should get myself ready to go as well. I have to get all the kids to school, then follow my oldest out to drop off her car to get the tranny repaired, bring her home, and then some more running around before they get out of school. Some crazy woman (I think it was me in a delirium) told my youngest daughter that she could have 4 or 5 friends over after school today! So, maybe instead of running around, I'll just come home and veg for a bit... Oh, yeah, almost forgot, have to get to my WW meeting site and weigh in today.. hoping TOM doesn't mess that up too bad!

Have a SUPER FANTASTIC day everyone! I'll check in later...


Well, so much for relaxing on my first day without kids home! I feel very accomplished, though. After getting the kids off to school and taking oldest daughter's car out to mechanic, I stopped by my WW meeting site for weigh in... up two pounds from last months WI, but I have to credit some of that to TOM's visit, so not stressing, yet. Got home about 10 and decided to organize my food pantry, which led to an all out house cleaning spree. So, for the last 3 hours, that is what I have been doing. Cleaned and organized the pantry, vacuumed the downstairs areas, wiped down tables, cleaned 2 upstairs bathrooms from top to bottom, including shower walls and sweeping and mopping floors (on hands and knees), and am in the middle of doing more laundry. Everything but the laundry is stuff that I hate to do and tend to put off--- I truly believe that showers should have the ability to clean themselves!! How the heck do you really get all of the cleaning chemicals off of the walls without taking a shower yourself?!? If any body has a secret, I'd love to hear!!

Just got through eating a Garden Burger and some mixed veggies for lunch. Have to start rounding up kids in about 20 minutes, and hubby has requested "inch a lottas" (that's how he texted his request to me earlier today LOL) for dinner, which take some prep, so..... I've got the rest of my day cut out for me!!!

02 September 2008

Good evening FS buddies!!

I know this is my second journal today, but I don't know when I will get a chance to journal tomorrow, so thought I'd get a quickie in tonight :)

So, drove out to help one of our owners today, then went back and worked in the office until about 4 (so much for today being my day off LOL). Boss said I can take Saturday off, so will have a weekend with the family, as I normally work Saturdays.

Got home and changed then took both girls to get their hair cut. I still can't believe how mature they are getting! They're not my babies anymore :( It makes me sad in ways, but also happy to look forward to the next stage in my life....

Am now letting the kids enjoy their last summer evening. Will be taking daughters friend home, then make dinner when hubby gets home, then soon get them all in bed-- as well as hubby and myself! The girls start school at 7:25 and my son at 7:50, so we will all be up early to get the day started! Have to go in with youngest daughter to get her schedule figured out... I guess they didn't give her a class for 4th period, plus she was put into a couple of classes she doesn't really want to do, so we have to get that all taken care of.

I'll check in when I can tomorrow. Have a great night all!!

02 September 2008

Good morning everyone!!!

Hope you all had a good holiday weekend. As for me, I got a little bit done yesterday-- After Hubby and I made breakfast (french toast and bacon), hubby and son got their hair cut, picked up youngest daughter from her friends after a camping trip, bought running shoes for son, did light shopping at Walmart, then hubby and I decided to come home and relax for a while before making dinner... We ended up napping for almost 2 hours!! We then made dinner together (spaghetti) for our family, SIL and her two kids. We had gotten some dressers from a neighbor that we didn't really like, but SIL did, so took those to her house, then picked up my niece to spend the night, and came back home to settle down and watch the movie "Drillbit Taylor". Hubby had rented it while I was gone and had never gotten around to watching it, so we were up until 10:30 last night watching it so it can go back today. Then it was time to shower and get to bed-- I think we fell asleep at about 11:30.

Today, we got up at 5:30, so in the last two hours, I have done some laundry, read and commented on some journals, dyed my youngest daughters hair, and am now journaling myself... I have to leave in just over an hour to go help out at a store locally. Should be a fairly early day-- hope to be done by 2 or 3, then have to take both girls for their hair cuts and youngest wants a straightener (NOT the $80 one, but will get a ceramic one). Then it'll be time for dinner and getting the kids in bed at a decent time for SCHOOL TOMORROW!!! YIPEE!!! I am off tomorrow, so after getting them to their schools, I will be able to have some time to myself in my own home!

I was going to take today off, but turned out that an owner needed some help with something today, so am hoping to take Saturday off instead and possibly make a drive up north (are you listening Bully?). If it works out, I'd like to leave Friday night and come home either Saturday night or Sunday morning-- My company picnic is Sunday around noon and I want to go to that, so have to be back by then.

Had a pretty good food day yesterday-- only had 2 slices of french toast, a piece of bacon, then made a salad and a WW frozen mac and cheese meal for lunch. Spaghetti, green beans, and peas for dinner, 94% fat free popcorn during the movie and a WW ice cream bar to finish it off. Haven't put in the points, but not feeling like I did too bad. Need to get to my meeting site and get weighed in.. see how that looks...

Gotta get ready for work. Have a SUPER FANTASTIC day FS friends!!

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