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17 September 2008

Good afternoon FS buddies!

Haven't journaled in a few days. Been feeling a little frustrated with myself. Keep saying I'm going to get back on track, then not doing it. However, when I got on the scale on Monday morning and saw a very large gain, I decided I HAVE to get back in the game. So, for the last 2 1/2 days, I have been tracking my points, drinking my water, even exercised Monday morning-- and realized my Tae-Bo didn't kick my butt as bad as it used to! As of this morning, have seen a drop of about 2 pounds... just have to make sure I keep it up!

Getting ready for my last real business trip for a little while. I leave for NV tomorrow morning and will return next Tuesday night. Am going to be training my replacement during this trip, so will be a little different for me, then when I get back, he will be training me in my new position (we are basically switching job descriptions). Have been very busy lately trying to get prepared... Lots to do!

Took my daughter to Ortho appt today... looks like she only has a couple months left till the braces come off! She's so excited!! Did grocery shopping so hubby doesn't have to worry about it while I'm gone... should be enough to get them through until I get home, except little things like milk... Had to go buy oldest daughter new studs for her lip. She has "snake bites" :( and her employer didn't like the hoops she was wearing, so I found her some regular studs.

Looks like we will be moving around the middle to end of October, which is good as it gives me time to get stuff packed up. Hubby doesn't do much of the actual packing-- he gets the job of moving all of the heavy stuff! :) Can't wait to get into the new house! We have decided to continue renting so we can work some more on our credit as well as not be as stuck into something if my job happens to take us to another location, which is always a possiblity.

So, that's about what's going on here. Will get on periodically while in Nevada, although will probably spend quite a bit of time with my family that is there. Hope you all have a good week... and wish me luck with mine! :)

Loves to all!! Have a SUPER FANTASTIC weekend!!

12 September 2008

Good Morning FS buddies!!

Was MIA yesterday-- hubby was told Wednesday afternoon that he needed to drive down to northern California (just past the OR/CA border on the coast) for a job. He had to leave that night after already having been at work since 6 am, and it is at least a 6 hour drive! I wasn't real thrilled as that was my 'blues' day anyway and really didn't want to be alone. He came home to get some clothes to take with him and while he was getting ready, he asked what my plans were for Thursday. I told him I was going to be working from home doing some things for work on my laptop-- soooo.... He suggested that I go with him! :) I called my sister in law to come spend the night with the kids, grabbed some clothes, and headed out with him! I'm glad I went-- we didn't get to the hotel until 1:30 in the morning, then had to be up and out of there by 6:30 to finish the rest of the trip and get to his job site on time. After doing the two jobs he had, we turned around and drove back, getting home at 9:30 last night. He was really tired doing all that driving on just about 3 1/2 hours sleep!! I was able to get some of my work done on the computer, including something I had forgotten about, as well as some reading to prepare for my new position, AND spent a good amount of time with hubby and getting some ideas of things we might want to do for our upcoming anniversary in November...

Besides that, not much else going on.. Meeting with my coworker today to go over some more stuff having to do with my new position and his (we are switching roles basically). Have to schedule some more meetings with other coworkers as well. I'm so excited about this new position, but am starting to feel overwhelmed (self inflicted!). I have so much going on in my mind and so many things I want to tackle!! A friend/coworker who I've known for almost 14 years told me yesterday (via email) not to overload my brain too much... I'm going to have to reel it all in at some point, but I have to first figure out my priorities with all of it. I guess I'll probably have to meet with my boss and get her input for that part of it.

Nutrition and exercise still not doing great, especially after spending basically 15 hours straight in a truck yesterday-- not much room for activity in that situation, and snacking is a great way to keep from being bored and getting too tired ;(. We did, however, stop at an outlet mall on our way home and both of us bought new Nikes, so we PLAN to get back to the gym more regularly.

Gotta get ready for work! Have a SUPER FANTASTIC day FS friends!!

10 September 2008

10 September 2008

09 September 2008

Good morning FS buddies!!

So, here it is Tuesday again... time to start another work week! Spent a lot of time on the computer yesterday morning looking up houses for rent. Our lease is up on our house on Oct. 1, and although we could stay here if we want, we decided to look around and see what's out there. The very first house I saw online really caught my eye and I called my husband and told him that I had found our house. I pulled up about 8 more to go look at, then when he got home, we started going to look at them. We looked at 4, then finally got to go meet the lady with the original one that I had liked, got to see the inside and outside, and fell in love!! So, we have to wait for the application to go through, but looks like we will probably be moving around the beginning of the month! I know it sounds crazy, but we actually enjoy moving. If nothing else, it always gives us a chance to go through our stuff and get rid of whatever we don't want....

Besides that, I did some shopping, some more laundry, picked up the house a little, and got my hair cut. Not sure I'm real thrilled with the cut, but I'll play with it a little before I complain.

No more time... gotta go... will write more later! Have a SUPER FANTASTIC day everyone!!

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