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17 May 2013

16 May 2013

Weigh-in: 138.0 lb lost so far: 2.0 lb still to go: 8.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment gaining 0.3 lb a week

09 April 2013

31 January 2013

I've slowly been getting my butt moving again. Monday I went to ballroom dance class, and Tuesday and Wednesday I went to Zumba. I know I have to get back into strength training and running soon, but for now I feel like any activity is better than sitting on the couch for hours!

I'm still having trouble finding motivation to make healthier choices. Maybe if I write out some "reminders" here it'll help get my rear in gear:

1) You only have one body, and one life to live. Make the most of it! (always my #1 motivation)
2) Summer is coming, which means bikinis and shorts. I'd like to be proud enough of my body to want to show it off.
3) I'm going to be a bridesmaid in August. And those pictures will last forever.
4) Warm weather means fun outdoor activities (hiking, biking, swimming, kayaking, etc.) and I want to be fit enough to enjoy them.

So there... now when I'm lacking motivation, I can come read that list.

08 January 2013

Well lookie there- it's my long-lost friend, FatSecret! I can't believe you abandoned me for MONTHS ON END... yeah yeah okay, I'm the one who did the abandoning. Totally skipped out on ya.

But I'm back, and begging for forgiveness!

Darling FatSecret, you were good to me for so long. Always encouraging me on my health journey, ready with a sweet smile and a pat on the back or a string of harsh profanities that would make any boot camp instructor blush. You were what I needed, when I needed it. And I abandoned you.


Let's be real for a sec. Last January I was alllll about my health journey. I was the one who showed up to workout classes early with a huge smile and neon sweatbands on. Not really... but close. I was excited. I was proud. I was ready. A year later, things have changed. I'm lazy. Lethargic. Totally lacking motivation. Perfectly content to get home from work and park my butt on the couch for hours at a time. I'm 5 pounds heavier than I was last summer.

And I'm unhappy.

Not with my weight, or my looks, but with my attitude. I do not like this lazy girl who has let go of her ambition and goals. So I've decided to force myself to get up and go, even though I really have no desire to do so. I'm hoping that getting back to the gym will, in turn, make me WANT to go to the gym. I need something to snap me out of this funk... but I have no idea how to get myself motivated.

For now, I'll just say this: I am going to the gym tonight.

And that's a phrase I haven't said in months.

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