Joined April 2010
Weight History

Start Weight
127.0 lb
Lost so far: 20.0 lb

Current Weight
147.0 lb
Performance: gaining 0.2 lb a week

Goal Weight
125.0 lb
Still to go: 22.0 lb
Hey there, I am Lauren. I am a current high school senior who is just working towards a healthier lifestyle, including calorie counting and going to the gym regularly. I also do yoga a lot and am a gymnastics instructor.

My primary goal is to get back down to 122 from the 130 that I currently weigh, as that was a weight I was happy with until my ex and I broke up and caused a bit of unwanted weight gain. My eating habits have never been severe, I have never been diagnosed with an eating disorder nor do I think I ever will be, I love food too much. I am growing though, and I do sometimes binge due to emotions and sometimes I come under the number of calories I should be eating, but everyone fluctuates a bit.

I just want to look fabulous by mid-june, and with my current work out schedule, I hopefully will. I try to do cardio at least 5 days a week, strength training 3 days a week, and yoga/stretching every day. I eat healthily, and look forward to reaping the benefits of this lifestyle change.

irishgirl49's Weight History

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  200 Miles in 12 Weeks
status: Completed
ended: 24 Jul 10
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last weighin: gaining 0.2 lb a week Up

irishgirl49's Latest Posts

skinny diet buddies
I know exactly where you are coming from! I am 130.5 right now, and I want to get down to 122. That is my goal weight, but I do not know when that is going to happen... I want it soon, but I am afraid I have messed up my metabolism. I'm just gonna keep watching my calorie intake and hope I get there in a month and a half...
posted 25 Apr 2010, 20:44
what is wrong with the bars?
posted 20 Apr 2010, 21:23
Inaccurate food labeling
I have to say, as a current high school senior, it is incredibly hard to not consume prepackaged foods, especially when you try to snack several times a day. In all reality, I would rather create a bit of wiggle room like coming in 100 cals under my expected then give up my food habits.
I need to be able to consume luna and kashi bars as they are a major daily source of protein for me. As a near-vegetarian, I also need to consume things like greek yogurt to get my protein. I agree that it sucks that the calories may be off, but really, just leave a bit of wiggle room in the end and you are fine.
I do disagree with eating those prepackaged meals, I'd rather make my own and live off of the leftovers for a few days then live off of prepackageed stuff...
Although Trader Joes has some amazing premade meals with low sodium and low calories, like the vindaloo chicken. So so good!
(by almost-vegetarian I mean I only eat chicken, turkey, and fish and restrict my intake to 2-4 days a week)
posted 19 Apr 2010, 20:01
how in the world
If you're trying to add water to your diet, I would suggest trying to drink a full bottle between breakfast and lunch, a full bottle with lunch, a full bottle between lunch and dinner. With breakfast and dinner, use cups but try to refill them. I slowly increased my water consumption from that.
posted 19 Apr 2010, 19:48
how in the world
Yeah, just carry a few water bottles around with you. I have slowly increased my water intake, I probably drink 120 oz daily and I weigh around 130.
Coffee does count as water intake, I start off my day with 16 oz coffee from 7:15-7:45. Then at 8, I start my first water bottle, which is finished around 10:45. The second water bottle starts at 11 and goes until 12:30. The third is consumed with my lunch, finished by 2. The fourth is started at 2 and finished by 4. The fifth is another one consumed while I am doing different things throughout the afternoon or while excersizing, finished by 7. And the sixth is consumed with dinner/after dinner.
I am reusing all of my water bottles, I survive one week off three so I do not waste plastic.
Each one is either 16 or 20 oz, and each is always filled!
It is amazing how good your body feels when it is getting enough water.
posted 19 Apr 2010, 19:47
irishgirl49 has submitted 5 posts

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