Joined January 2011
Weight History

Start Weight
149.0 lb
Lost so far: 7.0 lb

Current Weight
142.0 lb
Performance: losing 1.0 lb a week

Goal Weight
120.0 lb
Still to go: 22.0 lb

bean1003's Weight History


last weighin: gaining 0.1 lb a week Up
last weighin: gaining 0.1 lb a week Up

bean1003's Cookbook

cals: 173kcal | fat: 4.57g | carbs: 31.92g | prot: 2.06g
Baked Sweet Potato Fries
Sweet potatoes don't just belong in a casserole on the holidays, with this recipe you can incorporate sweet potatoes into your regular dinner rotation very easily.
cals: 242kcal | fat: 18.66g | carbs: 10.59g | prot: 10.09g
Cauliflower Fried Rice
Grated cauliflower instead of rice is both delicious and low carb.
view complete cookbook

bean1003's Latest Posts

Eating enough is just as important as eating less.

I thought this was a good article on Active. Granted the Cortisol research is debatable, but they do make good points. I see a lot of people that think eating less and working out for hours a day is what they need to do to lose weight, sometimes that can do more harm than good.

Here is an excerpt from the article:

1. Food is Not an Enemy. "Energy is your friend," says Benardot. "Just eat good, whole, fresh foods, but simply not too much at once." Translation: Eat throughout the day.

2. The Paradox of Too Little, Too Much Food: If you have very low blood sugar you will have an insulinemic response and create more fat because of increased cortisol levels. If you have very high blood sugar, you will have a similar response, as the cells will store more fat. "If you eat too much, your body will make fat," says Benardot, "and if you eat too little, your body will make fat."

3. Snacking is a Good Thing: even at night! Your caloric intake should both meet your body's needs and, as discussed, be spread out as evenly as possible throughout the day, including at night, as sleeping hours are undoubtedly the most extended period each day without calories.

4. What is the goal? Benardot is quick to angle this question away from simply weight loss. "What is the goal," asks Benardot. "Is it simply to lose weight or to lose fat?"

5. Diets Don't Work: Both Fitzgerald and Benardot agree wholeheartedly on this key factor. "Not a single diet works," says Benardot. "It is that simple. In virtually every study looking at every diet created there is almost a 100 percent recidivism back to original weight or heavier if you look at the research."

An athlete's nutritional intake is an important part of his or her training regimen. Food is our body's fuel; it enables us to prepare for and recover from exercise intelligently. When considering your goals for this year, plan intelligently in every realm, from your day-to-day mental approach to how you'll complete your training to the food you put into your body. ""

posted 21 Feb 2014, 13:10
bean1003 has submitted 1 post

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