sigmablue's Journal, 02 December 2013

Most people who decide to restrict carbs, lose anywhere from 10-15 lbs in one week!. I haven't lost that in three weeks! This really is going slow... Oh well, it's better than going up.
292.6 lb Lost so far: 2.4 lb.    Still to go: 97.6 lb.    Diet followed reasonably well.
losing 0.3 lb a week


Well most of that weight will be water, and I doubt most people lose that much. Some people who have a lot to lose and are really bloated might. If you didn't have huge loss the first week, it's mostly that you didn't have a lot of water weight to lose. Weight loss is also based on age, activity levels, genetics, etc. so every person is different and every time you lose weight will be different from the last. You are off to a great start. Just keep at it. You will have weeks that are higher and weeks that are lower. Weeks of gaining and weeks of staying the same. It's all a part of the journey. Just stick wit it. If you want to increase losses, maybe switch up your exercise. Upping intensity can kick up your metabolism to burn more fat. If you don't exercise, you might just slap on a pedometer and aim for 10,000 steps a day to start. My sister lost a lot of weight this way. 
02 Dec 13 by member: Suzi161
I understand the water weight. I wish i more of the weight was water! I am doing HIIT cardio 5 days a week after weight lifting. I do think my genetics are bad when it comes to any kind of sugar. My slip ups have been minimal, like no carbs all day and then some chicken fingers with 35 grams of carbs and I gain. Also i have a lot to lose. My calorie intake vs what I should be burning at my size, should lead to a 3-4lbs weight loss a week. Not seeing that. But, as you mentioned, sticking to it is the only answer! I might try adding in intermittent fasting. 
02 Dec 13 by member: sigmablue
I fell off the wagon hard the last couple weeks. But I plan to get back up on Friday with low carb, higher fat. Just keep in mind that if your doing a low carb diet as I once did. You want to make sure you give your body the healthy fats & keep your carbs under 20 grams a day preferably. Also you will need lots of water as you will dehydrate more easily. Once your body goes into ketosis the weight will practically fall off. I lost 60 lbs once doing this. Just wish I knew back then what I know now. Eat the good fats such as Olive oil as part of your salad dressing. Cook with Rice Bran Oil or coconut oil. Anyhow, because of my complete train wreck these past couple of weeks I have to start fresh, but just remember to NOT give up! 
12 Dec 13 by member: HeavenlieMama


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