xNaiomi2's Journal, 03 January 2020

I Need Help😓
150.0 lb Lost so far: 9.8 lb.    Still to go: 1.0 lb.    Diet followed reasonably well.

Diet Calendar Entries for 03 January 2020:
1675 kcal Fat: 85.50g | Prot: 116.00g | Carb: 122.00g.   Breakfast: Fiber One 90 Calorie Brownies - Chocolate Fudge, Kroger 50/50 Blend Baby Spinach & Spring Mix, Food Club Large Egg, Kroger Tilapia Fillets. Lunch: Fiber One 90 Calorie Cinnamon Coffee Cake, Essential Everyday Dry Roasted Peanuts, Nature's Promise Organic Baby Spinach & Spring Mix, Northern Catch Zesty Lemon Pepper Chunk Light Tuna in Water, Mission Soft Taco Flour Tortillas (Medium). Dinner: Kroger Whole Eggs (Medium), Kroger Tilapia Fillets, Birds Eye Steamfresh Broccoli & Cauliflower, Essential Everyday Dry Roasted Peanuts. Snacks/Other: Fisher Dry Roasted Peanuts, Storck Mamba Fruit Chews (6). more...
1716 kcal Activities & Exercise: Abdominal (Sit Ups) - 7 minutes, Resting - 15 hours and 53 minutes, Sleeping - 8 hours. more...
gaining 1.4 lb a week

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You’re doing amazing ♥️🤗💪 we all plateau and sometimes that plateau takes a week to months. Try switching things up friend. Add more water or green tea, black tea. Switch up your activity for exercise. Tweak your meals. I think you’re doing very well🤗👏💜💚 
03 Jan 20 by member: jcmama777
Are you following a WOE ( way of eating) that you can live with the rest of your life? Are you logging every bite that you take? I do not have any food restrictions, I eat about 1500 calories a day. I am not physically active due to health constraints, and I lost 55 pounds in 9 months last year. How can I help you? 
03 Jan 20 by member: shirfleur 1
The slower it comes off, it most likely will stay off and I wish I was your weight♥️ You just keep plugging along with a goal in your mind friend. You will reach your ultimate goal💜💚 
03 Jan 20 by member: jcmama777
Shirfleur is definitely a wonderful example that you can do this🥰 just don’t give up. 
03 Jan 20 by member: jcmama777
Where is that you struggle my friend? 
03 Jan 20 by member: yogagnosis
Well I need help because about an hour ago I had went into my kitchen and grabbed a whole jar of peanuts that was in the back of the top shelf of the cabinet. I put it there because yesterday I almost binged on them but luckily I didn't. This time I wasnt so lucky, i didn't measure the serving size like I usually would and I just kept eating them even when I wasnt hungry anymore I just couldn't stop😓. I need help because I cant control myself. 
03 Jan 20 by member: xNaiomi2
Also throughout the day I was snack on them and not track any of it that I was snacking on.  
03 Jan 20 by member: xNaiomi2
What has you upset? What are you trying to hide from yourself? Something triggers episodes like this. Stress, depression, dealing with obnoxious people. It brings on attacks where we try and harm or punish ourselves with food. I had to deal with several obnoxious people today and thought I was doing fine - until I had a blow out and a $300 towing/tire bill. I admit it, I ate a 3 musketeers bar to settle my nerves. Helped at the time, but not now. Let go of it and move on. (FIDO "eF" It, Drive On!). Next time take it out on the person/situation that deserves it, not your self. (Yes, I am speaking to the mirror!) 
03 Jan 20 by member: SheaDlady
Dear Naomi, First I want to let you know that there is no guilt in eating peanuts. Peanuts are just peanuts and a source of nutrition. I do however understand it is the emotions behind the uncontrolled behaviour that it is the cause of distress. Hunger is caused by many factors. There is the physical factors as true body hunger itself and the false hungers of thirst or toxic hunger. Then there is the hunger of the many other layers of bodies that exist within us as human beings.Some are patterns of archetypes that are programs that express themselves during different phases of day/time/life. Then there are imbalances within the energy bodies that are caused by many factors as lifestyle, trauma or any other pattern that is out of sync with your true nature. This causes the soul to be hungry or at least seem that way. It is not a matter of will power, that is why so many people struggle with addictions and habits they cannot just stop with will power. It a a very delicate matter and should olny be treated that way. I also want to let you know that this is my last day posting on fatsecret for the at least the next 40 days as I will be taking some time away from all social platforms and to spend in reflection, meditation and contemplation. I will however be checking my email once daily and would be more than happy to guide you if you are willing. If so let me know and we can arrange a method of communication during this time. All the best to you Naomi and I look forward to your response.  
03 Jan 20 by member: yogagnosis
Oh yogagnosis! You’ll be missed!! 😘 
03 Jan 20 by member: wifey9707
@wifey: Thank you my friend 🙏💕🙏 
03 Jan 20 by member: yogagnosis
XNaiomi, that sort of thing happens sometimes. Just pick yourself up, dust yourself off and step back on the path. There are some foods I no longer keep in the house, because I know I will binge on them in a weak moment. Also, when I have the "hungrys" I make cabbage soup, with lots of veggies (no potatoes or corn), no meat and no fat. It comes to about 50 calories per cup and I can eat all I want without going over my RDI (recommended daily intake). I hope this helps; you CAN do this. 
03 Jan 20 by member: shirfleur 1
Ah, Shirfleur 1...that wise lady. I follow her example. I CANNOT HAVE GUACAMOLE or CROISSANT in the same building with me. I will attack it every time. So...I don't have it in my house. Isn't it funny? Each person is so different. I have nuts in my freezer and can practice portion control and count them out....but guacamole causes me to lose my sanity. Purge your house of all dangerous foods and replace with healthy, snacks. Shirfleur's is cabbage soup, mine is a crudute' plate with cut bell pepper, carrots, and various fruits. You do you...you know what your healthy snacks are. :) Good luck! 
03 Jan 20 by member: binkytexas
Hey naiomi!, don't beat yourself up... I find if I eat under RDI, basically less calories in than expended several days in a row, I binge too. It tells me I need to eat more and/or redefine my RDI requirements to my "real" lifestyle. I also agree with the beautiful shirfleur, soups, stew, water with lots of veggies curbs my hunger and bonus, tons of nutrition!!! You're doing great, you're more than halfway to your goal!!! @yogagnosis, you're kind and wonderful support and insight will be missed. Hopefully your sabbatical will help you find what you're looking for!!!!!! 
03 Jan 20 by member: ripsic
ditto..... I have found that snacking or overeating is a result of my body telling me it is hungry. Hunger comes from lack of nutrients or not enough energy. It also is a result of being bored. I just retired but when at work I also used it as a diversion because I didn't want to work! My days were filled with lots of snack breaks, trips to the water fountain and the bathroom. I know others snack from stress or depression. Figure out what triggers it.....nothing wrong with snacking as long as you meet all your nutritional needs. All the best to you on your journey! 
04 Jan 20 by member: crazycatchick
And you did reach for the dry roast peanuts, not ice cream or chips... sounds like calories and fats were low in your diet... ive done the exact same... love those peanuts ❣💕💕 
04 Jan 20 by member: ripsic
You can do it 
10 Jan 20 by member: tigretexano
This helps me maybe you’d like to try, warm lemon wAter. When you wake up in the morning , before you eat anything have a glass of warm water with about a half of the fresh lemon squeezed and cut a little bit of the pulp into it . Drink that before you eat anything. That’ll help getting you get your digestive going and it’ll also make you fuller before you eat. Good luck on your healthy lifestyle journey !! 🍀🍀👍 you can do this!! https://www.healthline.com/health/food-nutrition/benefits-of-lemon-water 
22 Jan 20 by member: damablack13


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