Joined August 2015
Weight History

Start Weight
209.0 lb
Lost so far: 59.0 lb

Current Weight
150.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.1 lb a week

Goal Weight
135.0 lb
Still to go: 15.0 lb
My name is Staci and Im 26 years old. Jan. 2015 rolled around and like most people, I made a New Year Resolution to lose weight...again. I started this journey at 250 pounds. It is now 2016 and I weigh 178 lbs! I have lost a total of 72 pounds! I have two goals I am aiming for. This first is my realistic goal, to be 150 lbs. The second goal is to be 130 lbs. The 130 lb goal is the "ideal weight" for my height(according to all those charts).

The way I have lost the weight is by cutting back the food I eat and counting calories mixed with exercising (walking mainly, and light weight training). I have days that I struggle, like the weekends where I don't have structure and at night after dinner when the munchies attack lol But I just try to do better the next day.
I am not on a "diet" I have not cut out any foods, I eat what I want, when I want, in moderation (most days lol)

Staci0422's Weight History


last weighin: losing 1.5 lb a week Down
last weighin: losing 0.1 lb a week Down

Staci0422's Latest Posts

Depression and Pain
I don't have chronic pain, but I do know that it probably makes doing simply things that much harder so I can imagine trying to exercise with chronic pain. Is it possible that you have access to a pool or can obtain a gym membership that has a pool. Swimming is so much easier on the body. As time goes on, the pain should ease enough to where other activites aren't as hard to do. I, like others, started this journey when I started noticing changes in my health. I developed heartburn..everyday and I noticed a numbness in my thigh and if I was sationary for too caused horrible pain in my thigh when I tried to move my leg. I think this was due to lack of circulation...I've lost almost 75 lbs...the numbness and pain in my thigh is gone and I have not had to take a heartburn pill in months. These other commenters are right...if you are serious enough, there will come a day when you realize you just can't keep living the same way, something has to change. In my option I don't think your wife thinks you are a burdon, maybe she feels like you keep saying you are going to make changes and maybe she sees this as just like every other time? (totally just guessing here) Maybe she could get more involved and help you stay in control instead of just leaving you to figure it all out on your own. I feel like she needs to step up more and let you know that she is behind you 100%. Try talking to her about it and see if she is willing to join this journey with you! Best of luck!!
posted 30 Mar 2016, 08:22
Sweets at night
THIS!!! It is my problem, I do fine during the week and most nights but then the weekend hits or the late cravings that you are talking about. I try not to beat my self up the next day and just tell myself to do better, it's a new day but the guilt feeling normally stays. So, I have tried taking a new approach..when I notice Im craving something I ask myself.. "will you feel bad about this decision in the morning?" It has really helped because I don't want to keep beating myself up or being disappointed in myself anymore. I also buy fruit popcicles to stay away from ice cream, it's still something cold and sweet but at only 25 calories. Bonnybelle, I love the Tootsie Pop idea, that is a fantasic sweet treat that keeps you occupied! Good luck everyone!
posted 24 Mar 2016, 07:41
Staci0422 has submitted 2 posts

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