lineruds's Journal, 22 February 2019

I'm having difficulty committing myself to the Keto diet this time. I think the fact that I have to eat a certain way for the rest of my life ( like cutting carbs completely) or suffer the consequences of gaining weight back if I don't is my hold up. I've realized that if I'm going to make permanent changes to my body and lifestyle, then I have to change my habits for a lifetime. It works for my husband, he can cut weight and slim down simply by cutting out beer and sweets for a few weeks. Granted, he doesn't have a food addiction, and he has a naturally athletic build and has a physically laborious job. I've started by not drinking sweetened beverages for the last 2 weeks; only water, tea, sparkling water, and unsweetened coconut milk. I also drink protein shakes for breakfast, but I consider that a meal, and it's low carb.

I've lost a pound so far. Obviously it's a slower process than fad dieting, and I have more to work on, but slow loss is better than regaining.

It takes 21 days to make change our habits, or develop good ones. My next habit change is something that fad diets tend to not address. It's the psychology that happens with eating. Turning my mind from eating for pleasure and coping, to eating for fueling the body, and not overfilling it. To overcome food addiction, I must stop seeing food as a reward or a vice, and more for its nutritional value. For us who are food addicts, this may be the most difficult of all, and I'm not going to move on to other habits until I conquer this.

I look back and think about when food was less important to me. As a teen was so busy with time and following my goals, that I ate smaller meals that filled me up because it I didn't desire more, I would skip meals like dinner because I was more tired from work, than hungry, and I didn't desire sweets so eating healthy food was easier. I actually ate a lot of salads because it was faster and easier to heat up meat in the microwave, precooked from the store, or opening a can of tuna or boiled egg than it was to cook a full meal with a side of starch.

I think it comes down to how I look at food, and ask myself ... Am I hungry? If not, then why eat? If I am hungry, then is what I desire nutritious enough to provide the fuel I need for health and stamina? What can I do instead of eating when I'm not hungry, perhaps to deal with emotions? ...Walk away and call a friend, do a task, exercise, or perhaps what I need is sleep instead of snacking.
224.7 lb Lost so far: 10.7 lb.    Still to go: 94.7 lb.    Diet followed reasonably well.
losing 0.1 lb a week



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