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28 August 2013

I have been sticking about 85% to a paleo diet mon-fri, and I have been doing this "work week paleo" thing for 3 months now. Lately I do have cheats through the week, typically in the form of a baked good or gelato. However, I haven't ONCE slipped and had pasta/bread/cereal/crackers/chips through the week, which I am really proud of!

In the last 2-3 weeks I have also really cranked up the working out - getting to the gym 3 times a week for hard speed intervals, weight training, or tough classes at Goodlife (Attack, Pump). So, while my weight has definitely plateaued at 143-145 lbs for about a month, it might be a result of building more muscle. I really should do my measurements soon so I can see how I did.

Anyways, I am sticking with my goals:
1) Drink 2 L of water every day
2) Work out 3x per week
3) Work Week Paleo - try to minimize my dessert cheats. Not sure if I have any tricks for this, just gotta have some discipline. This probably shouldn't be so hard lol.

Either way, I am happy and feel good! My goal is 135 lbs by Erin's Wedding/Dominican (Nov 2013 - 2.5 months) I think that as soon as the long weekend is over this is the new plan:

Starting September 2:
1) Only 1 cheat day per week
2) No treats (paleo or otherwise!) through the work week
3) Drinking 2 L of water per day
4) 3 workouts per week

OK, new plan! If I have discipline and am prepared for salty/sweet cravings there is no reason why I can't achieve my goal!

25 July 2013

Weigh-in: 144.1 lb lost so far: 3.9 lb still to go: 0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment losing 1.4 lb a week

06 July 2013

Weigh-in: 148.0 lb lost so far: 0 lb still to go: 0 lb Diet followed N/A

06 July 2013

I started PaleoBurn 5 weeks ago (basically it's a paleo system, but it gives you quick burst exercises to do and encourages one "carb loading" day per week, which means a cheat day). I was 153 when I started it and am 148 now.

I have gone for 1 run and played the occasional rec softball or volleyball game. I don't have a physical job but I do walk around a lot during my 13 hr work days. The only physical activity I can really say I do is that I bike to and from work every day. So that is 10 mins of activity 5 days per week, plus whatever sport I have through the week. Not much at this point.

I eat what I want Saturday and Sunday, but don't go totally nuts for no reason. If people are having pasta I will too, but I eat a normal amount, I don't stock up for winter, so to speak. Friday I am Paleo all day but if there is fun to be had at night or at dinner I have it. Alcohol only on Fri and Saturday night, Sunday wine with dinner maybe.

I feel surprisingly GREAT for being on a super busy surgery rotation and getting only 5-6 hrs of sleep per night MAX. Another PaleoBurn no-no (8-9 hrs every night they say...hahaha right. That allows you to have either a job or a life, not both I say).

Here is what this tells me:
1) I probably get the recommended amount of physical activity, but I usually do WAY more. In the past if I have been this sedentary for 2 MONTHS I would gain weight, not lose it.
2) I cheat 2-3 times as much as is recommended by PaleoBurn. I'm just strict through the work week.
3) I don't get enough sleep according to PB either. Pff

To sum up, I eat to much, sleep to little, and am not working out enough. Yet a person who had very little to lose lost 5 lbs in 5 weeks EASILY, just by cutting out gluten-esque things (flour, pasta, bread, rice) and sugar. After just 3 weeks people who hadn't seen me when I started noticed I looked difference, without doing a legit workout.

This was a relatively easy lifestyle change, and frankly a fun cooking challenge. Now that I'm done my surgery rotation and have written the exam, I will try to incorporate more working out into the new routine.
Weigh-in: 148.0 lb lost so far: 0 lb still to go: 0 lb Diet followed N/A

27 May 2013

I have been having a major boredom eating trigger lately. Too much studying, just sitting in one place and, well, being bored doing it! I have been trying several tricks to avoid that: when bored but still have to keep studying, read a chapter of a good book, watch a 20 min episode of TV, or respond to some emails.

When I get home from being on placements for so long, I am going to do a big food closet clean out and put only good stuff in the easy access places. After reading a bit about Paleo, I think it would be a good general guideline to try. I think it is going to be very difficult to cut out ALL grain and ALL dairy, but I think that cutting back on those things as the staples will make a big difference right there. I will see how that goes, but it will need about 30 days of being back at home before I will know how it worked or not.

I also have no idea how much I weigh right now, but I suspect around 153-155 lb range, so basically no change.

I will take some measurements and weigh myself when I get home for a better idea.

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