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04 November 2014

OH GOD THE UNIVERSE HATES ME, or wants me to do yoga. I don't know, maybe both. I woke up nice and early this morning to go vote, and when I went to put my sock on my back sized up. OH MY GOD IT HURT!!! I made the universe a promise that if it let me walk again I would start doing yoga. Well I managed to go vote. DON'T FORGET TO VOTE TODAY! Unless you're voting for the wrong person, or Canadian, in which case, stay home. I guess this means I have to start doing yoga. The ever supportive girlfriend told me she would watch me doing yoga. Better than nothing I guess. I've managed to get to work, but everytime I stand from a crouched position, which is often, things start to go black. So, Yay! I I've never had a job where I sit. Now that I'm in the van so much I think my back is getting lazy. I'm not enjoying this.

02 November 2014

I have officially hit a plateau. UUUUUUGH!!! The scale has not budged an ounce for a week. I was seriously starting to think my scale was broken. Every time I stepped on it no matter what time of day it said the same thing. I finally grabbed my fat cat and weighed her with me JUST to make sure my scale was working. Note to self...start fat secret account for fat cat. SHE WEIGHS 14 lbs!!

I suppose I should be glad the scale hasn't budged because I've definitely not been doing anything to HELP the scale drop. In fact I'm surprised it hasn't gone up. I have so much Halloween candy left. Last year I had so many trick or treaters I had to cut into my own stash. This year the girlfriend and I bought about 5 or 6 bags. THEN when I was outside working on the decorations one of the neighbors said she was going to be in St Louis during Halloween and did I want her candy. She had gone to Sam's Club and bout a BIG box of assorted candy and a BIG BOX of Cheetos. Well heck yeah I wanted it. That way I have enough for all the kiddies. Then hell froze over and it got windy and nasty, and I only had 42 kids. In the beginning I was giving each kid 2 or 3 pieces. At the end I was giving out 2 or 3 handfuls, and I'm still stuck with a TON! It's just sitting there taunting me. So to get back at it I eat it. HA! Take that evil Halloween candy!

Feel like I'm in recovery! Just ran non stop last week (NO, I wasn't actually running for a whole week, I walked speedily once though). I worked my butt off this week and now I'm crashing. Friday was my day off and I didn't get out of my pj's until 1 PM. I feel like if I could just sleep for a week it would all be better. Maybe if I could just sleep until 9 even...

Saturday when I got off work I made an awesome pink bean dinner out of pink beans, corn, peppers, green olives, sofrito, and spanish rice. As some of you may know I do love my pink beans. It's pink food people! There's not enough pink food in the world other than cotton candy, and the pizza that one kid puked up in the middle school cafeteria, and there was definitely way too much of that and I will never forget it, god please let me forget that someday, I will probably get Alzheimer's and won't remember to chew food before swallowing, but THAT I will remember.

I finally made it to the doctor. I learned it's best not to sit where you can see other patients getting their vitals taken. They opened the door to the exam area and I got to see a small boy throwing up (this journal has a horrible theme). Then just for fun they sent same small boy back to the waiting area with a baggie. O_O are you kidding me? The nurses were walking around him with a mask. JUST KILL ME NOW! When the girlfriend and I got home we stripped at the door put the clothes in the washer and showered off all the germs. When the receptionist was checking me in they asked if I had been to west Africa. Wow. The Dr. said the dizziness was my allergies. She said my Eustachian tubes were clogged. Good times. She gave me a nasal spray. Hopefully this works. I really don't want to have to go back to the hall of plagues. Weird side note, because I haven't put enough weird side notes in this journal already, when I was picking up my prescription the woman in line behind me had the same first and last name as me (well almost one of us has son at the end of the last name). We both even spell it the right way. Very strange.

OMG I'm watching a show called "Hungry Games" right now and they said in a Duke University study if restaurants put a salad or other healthy item on the menu people were twice as likely to order fries even if it's not what they came for. It's called vicarious goal fulfillment. If given the option to consider acting in a way that will achieve a long term goal such as eating healthy to lose weight, it makes your brain feel like you did. STUPID BRAIN I KNEW YOU WERE OUT TO GET ME!! YOU AND THE HALLOWEEN CANDY CAN TAKE YOUR STUPID LITTLE SHOW ON THE ROAD! evil. eeeVIL!! mumble. mumble. mumble.

Oh, I changed my picture to show my Halloween decorations, at least what was left of them before the wind blew some of them away. I just wasn't home at all in the daylight to get a good picture before the winds came. Please notice the ghosts are about to blow away, but the yard full of leave is just perfectly content not to go over to my neighbor's perfectly manicured sod.
Weigh-in: 176.2 lb lost so far: 37.8 lb still to go: 36.2 lb Diet followed poorly
   (6 comments) steady weight

27 October 2014

What a long day! Got in past my curfew. No, really. My curfew is 9, I got home at 9:40. Quit laughing, I'm serious! lol Seriously, though I'm not supposed to work past 9. With hauling money around, they don't want us out on the road late. It's a safety issue. The sad thing is I didn't get all my work done. For some reason at the end of the month, the machines all get together and decide, no she should not just be able to collect the money. That's too easy. Ok, candy machine, you stop taking coins. Video game, crash that computer! Barney, you just keep on being creepy. I can see them all in their meeting tonight, Great job machines! We kept her here late as hell! Uuugh! I'm so tired. Only 3 more days in the month, and about 5 days worth of work.

TRIED to go to the Dr today. My ears are still bugging me and the dizzy spells are back. I thought at one point today I was gonna bite some floor. I say TRIED because I actually did go there, but there was an hour wait, and at least 10 people looked like they had the plague. The girlfriend was with me, and she pointed out "guy with a mask in front of you" "two more masks coming up behind you on your left". All my little germophobe cells screamed like they saw a mouse, hiked up their skirts, and ran out the door. Naturally I had to go with them. Maybe tomorrow.

I was so proud of myself today. I packed a lunch of spinach and artichoke hummus, a peanut butter, sunflower seed, and honey sandwich, cherry tomatoes, and carrot sticks. Eating right now is not fun. I grind my teeth at night, and I wear a mouth guard. Well sometime during the night I bit my tongue. So now I have a nice sore spot, and eating is just unpleasant. Brought most of my lunch home. At least it will be ready for tomorrow. Ok, night all.

26 October 2014

Well, that's going the wrong way. Poop. I actually considered learning to walk on my hands to see if that would make my weight go the other direction. Yeah, it made sense in my head. Food goes down and I gain weight, so I figured maybe it was gravity pulling all the calories into my body. If I learned to walk on my hands the calories wouldn't be able to stay. Sadly, if I did learn to walk on my hands, I would really lose weight because that's got to be great exercise! So HA! I'm right after all. See, I told you it made sense.

Allergies have been kickin my butt this week. It's all the farmers pulling in their ginormous (wow, spell check has no problem with ginormous like it's a real word O_o) crops. My left eye has been constantly watering and my left nose has felt like there's a whole army of histamines stabbing me. I can only assume this is what it feels like to snort coke, and thank god I've never tried it.

I've been doing squats this week as part of a challenge. I can definitely feel it in my thighs. I need to start a challenge to get rid of my bingo arms. I shake them really hard a lot, just to see them jiggle, and maybe to try and work them off. Anybody do that and succeed? I mean is that an exercise? The sad thing is I can actually hear them flapping. Maybe I should start calling them bat wings, and if they get floppy enough I can fly away.

I've noticed I'm starting to get age advanced skin. I don't like it. Ugh. I guess if I'm going to get a tattoo I should do it now before my skin gets much older. Anyone have any tips on keeping skin from aging?

OK, TODAY the Halloween decorations are going up. I know I said Thursday, and some of them did go up, but there was darkness and arguing involved. So, today! I also figured out my Halloween costume (I think) and I MIGHT even post an actual picture of me (scariest Halloween story you've heard all day I bet). The idea to decorate the house this year was because last year (our first year in this house) all the adults brought their kids up to see if they could see inside and ask us about the house. It was so funny "Look Jimmy they have to use magnets to hang things on the wall" "CANDY!" I live in an all metal Lustron house. I Figured might as well give them something fun to look at. Anyway, it has to be today because yesterday was the first day of the last week of the month. BUSY week for me at work, gotta get it all done, and then Thursday will be inventory. I may be crazy by Friday, so if you don't hear from me by then it means I've been buried under an avalanche of toys.
Weigh-in: 176.2 lb lost so far: 37.8 lb still to go: 36.2 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (8 comments) gaining 0.4 lb a week

22 October 2014

D A N C E P A R T Y ! ! !

I don't know why but I have SO MUCH ENERGY TONIGHT THAT I CAN"T EVEN TYPE! Dancing around my house. Come over! Dance around my house!

Day off tomorrow!! Might sleep until at least 7:30. Should be working on my Halloween decorations, but it is driving me batty! (see what I did there? because I'm cutting out bats! HA!) One week until Halloween, decorations are going up tomorrow!! SO ESSITED!!!!

Going to lunch tomorrow with the girlfriend's Grandma and Uncle. Going to Ryan's. Buffets are horrible for vegetarians because, meat. Salad for me. Hella expensive salad, but Grandmas like Ryan's.

Tonight my Dad asked if "my friend" lived with me. "Yes." "She's a pretty nice girl." Well thanks! Hey, baby steps. Probably had nothing to do with the fight he broke up between my mom and me when I asked if she was God. Nope. OK>>>>


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