Joined August 2017
Weight History

Start Weight
303.5 lb
Lost so far: 11.5 lb

Current Weight
292.0 lb
Performance: losing 21.0 lb a week

Goal Weight
140.0 lb
Still to go: 152.0 lb
My name is Psalm. My favorite verse in the Bible is Psalm 139:13. It is worth looking up if you don't know it.
I have been overweight my entire life and a few times I have weighed within a reasonable amount of my goal weight but it has always been a struggle. In March 2020, on my birthday, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, the next day COVID-19 was announced, and the world shut down. It was a challenging year for EVERYONE. The Covid-19 pandemic prevented me from having breast surgery because it was considered an elective surgery. WHAT? So, one year later I had a double mastectomy and it had advanced to stage 3 on the left and stage 2 on the right. Thanks to prayer, the support of friends, and celery juicing I healed very quickly but they still wanted me to do chemo. That was the wrong decision for me. The first round of chemo went relatively smoothly. The second round of chemo was so difficult, my body had a severe reaction, I almost died, and I was in the hospital for 5 days. The chemo damaged my liver and kidneys, I developed pancreatitis, gallstones, and for the first time in my life, I became a diabetic. I chose not to do radiation and continued to do celery juicing. The priest from my parish came every other week to my home to administer the sacraments to me. One year later I returned and had a full body scan and there was NO evidence of cancer in my body. I believe I was healed by God's grace! The damage to my body from the chemo remains and I have had two flair-ups of pancreatitis that were extremely difficult and have been hospitalized twice.
Thank you for allowing me to share my story. Let us encourage one another to succeed in all of our goals. May God bless us all.
Your fellow weight loss sister,

Psalm139v13's Weight History

Psalm139v13's Latest Posts

How many calories should I have a day
It is recommended that you eat at least 1200 calories per day. If you eat a healthy diet that is more than enough food to keep you full, happy, and healthy. The more you can eat something that is the first source the better it is for you. Example: An apple is a first source food because that is how it comes off the tree. Apple sauce is not a first source because it is made by cutting up the apple and generally sugar is added. Orange is a first source food but orange juice would not be because generally, again sugar is added. The more something is removed from it original source the less healthy it becomes. I hope that helps. Calories are not the only thing that you should consider when eating healthy. Here is what is recommended, per day:
Calories: 1200
Fat: 25g Maximum
Cholesterol 300mg
Sodium: 3000mg
Carbs: 90g
Fiber: 17g
Sugar: 25g
Protein 10-30g
Fruit: 2 per day
Vegetables: 4 servings
I hope this helps.
posted 14 Apr 2024, 10:25
Low Fat - High Protein - Eating Healthy
Several years ago I read Susan Powder's book, and it motivated me to lose weight. This is a program that works for me. There are several things I do that help. Yes, it might seem like too much for some people but it is the best program for me. My days start at 5:00 AM. Each day I try to learn something about getting healthy.
Each day - Per day:
Calories: 1200
Fat: 25g or less
Cholesterol: 300mg
Carb's: 90g
Fiber: 17g
Sugar: 25g
Protein: 10-30g
Fruit: 2 each day
Vegetables: 4 to 6 servings each day.
I developed an Excel Spreadsheet that keeps track of EVERYTHING!
I weigh everything and keep track of it on my spreadsheet. If I do not have enough of something then I add that item to my next meal. Example: If I have not had enough fruit then that is my snack, or if I have too much vegetable then I can exclude it from my next meal. Generally, I have too many vegetables. If I am not getting enough fiber I will add a fiber item for my snack or meal. I have logged about 800 items into my spreadsheet so all I have to do is copy and paste. It helps me stay focused, eat healthy, and gain knowledge of what is good for me to eat. I also try to stop eating by 8:00 PM. This is my program and I'm sticking to it.
posted 14 Apr 2024, 10:13
Psalm139v13 has submitted 2 posts

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