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14 August 2010

Weigh-in: 183.0 lb lost so far: 1.0 lb still to go: 58.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
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28 June 2010

28 June 2010

Weigh-in: 184.0 lb lost so far: 0 lb still to go: 59.0 lb Diet followed N/A

25 June 2010

There are many reasons that people want to lose weight. Personally, my reasons are:

1) health reasons
2) I want to look & feel good about myself
3) I want to wear clothes without feeling self-conscious

In my family, there is a history of diabetes, and I've seen firsthand what it's like to live with it-- watching what you eat, constantly checking blood pressure, insulin shots, and the effects of diabetes, and it is not a pretty sight. Not to mention I can't imagine injecting myself, ever. So me losing weight would be beneficial as I age. I'm only 19, and I've got the energy, will-power, and time to really kick-start my weight loss. I'd like to think that I'm setting myself up for success and a happy life if I lose it sooner than later. Everyone but my brother and I smoke cigarettes. I smoke hookah, which is tobacco, but without the nicotine, and it has different flavors. I shouldn't smoke hookah, but I only do it occasionally, not like, a couple times a week or anything. I don't drink, seeing as I'm underage, even though I know plenty of people younger than me who do drink. I don't drink soda, it's mostly water for me, so I think that these facts have had me on the road to my goal for a while already. Since I've managed to stay away from stuff that a lot of people my age do, I think that sticking to exercising and eating well won't be too hard.

I want to wear shorts and a tank top and not be looked at in a way that tells me people don't approve, and think that I should change. That shouldn't bother me, the what-other-people-think thing, but it does. Most of my weight is from my hips and below, and I don't want people staring at my ass and how disproportionate I am. I would like to be able to put on a pair of pants or shorts without having a gap in the back only because I had to go up a size to fit the clothes around my bigger bottom half. I don't have much of a stomach, a bit of a lower stomach, which I'm working on, but it's my lower half that I hate, and if it were safe and I wouldn't feel a thing, I'd take a chainsaw to my butt and thighs and trim that fat right off! I want to be able to walk by people that were part of my past, and show them just what they're missing out on. I feel like my weight holds me back from doing a lot of things I imagine myself doing, or want to do and try.

I admit, I'm mostly doing it for the physical reasons, but I do keep it in the back of my mind, that if I lose this weight, it will benefit me in the long run. I also think about how I will be happy in my own skin when I start to lose weight and reach my goal. I won't be looking in mirrors trying on clothes and saying to myself, "ugh you look disgusting in this, you can't buy it", instead I'll smile and like how I look, and I'll exude confidence, which is appealing to everyone.

25 June 2010

I feel really bad for having eaten Mickey D's AND Jack In The Box today. My aunt offered to get both breakfast and lunch, and seeing as we don't have much to eat in the house anyway, i accepted. I got a deluxe breakfast but gave the bacon to my brother in exchange for his sausage :| i ate everything except one pancake. I didn't have butter or syrup on my pancakes. For lunch i had a grilled chicken salad with low fat balsamic vinagrette, which made me feel just a tad bit better for eating what i had at breakfast.

I worked out on the elliptical machine for 30 minutes, then did a variety of crunches, push-ups, squats, and worked my rear end to tone. Then i played trackball with my bro outside for about 15 minutes.

I think i've become one of those people obsessed about losing weight, sometimes doing it the wrong way. I don't mean purging or starvation or anything. i like food way too much to throw it up or not eat. I mean like, eating less calories than i should be, considering the fact that i do workout.

Some stats to follow, mostly for my reference: I'm trying to keep my calorie count under 1600.
-1650 calories/day without exercise to lose 1lb/week
-1980 calories/day without exercise to slowly lose and maintain weight
-2190 calories/day with a 30 minute workout to reach my goal weight of 140lbs
-2454 calories/day with a 60 minute workout to reach goal weight

these past 2 days i've kept it under 1600, plus i've worked out. i just recently started keeping track, and 2 of the other 3 days (this is my 5th day) i've managed to stay under 1980. only one day did i do 2100 calories.

i don't know why i haven't been this motivated to lose weight during the summer. i think i'll save that rant for another journal entry.

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