Joined February 2008
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142.0 lb
Lost so far: 6.0 lb

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136.0 lb
Performance: losing 0.9 lb a week

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136.0 lb
Still to go: 0 lb

oolala53's Weight History


last weighin: losing 0.1 lb a week Down
last weighin: losing 3.1 lb a week Down
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Challenge Excepted
The other thing about getting older is that you start realizing you have less time left to make up for mistakes. I had a turnaround eleven+ years ago when I realized I could not stand the idea of being hooked on compulsive sweet eating for the rest of my life. It was bad and getting worse. It's been a journey, but worth it.
posted 04 Aug 2021, 22:48
Seeking some advice
Really think about and write down what will happen if you continue in this way for another six months or a year, including how much energy you spend on dickering and worrying over it. What sacrifices are you willing to make to prevent those problems? How much desire or hunger are you willing to tolerate to avoid the repercussions? (Because there wlll be some hunger and desire.) Is the cure worse than the disease? Be really honest with yourself. Which is more painful, putting up with some daily urges before it's time to eat on an eating plan that thwarts the acid reflux (and possibly avoiding surgery), or accepting that you'd rather be uncomfortable with acid reflux rather than face the discomfort of not eating what, when, and how much you feel like? One means some suffering now for pleasure later (you will get to eat later and will probably enjoy your food even more), the other means pleasure now and suffering later- on the same day and in the future. You are 100% free to say which one seems worth the tradeoff. Just don't be in denial about it. Everyday there are people who choose surgery, hospital stays, wheelchairs, and other things so that they can keep eating large amounts of sweet or salty food, but they lie to themselves about it. It's better to face your choices head on.

If you decide you want to avoid the acid reflux, don't depend on the decision in the moment. Your brain base is not interested in solving that problem. It thinks making you eat more is keeping you alive. Use your frontal brain to write out a statement expressing how concerned and maybe even scared you are of having the problem get worse and needing more drastic repairs. Calmly read the statement daily, even several times a day at first, for a few weeks. Be rational, not panicky about it. Remind yourself that though it may be hard, it is sometimes worth it to do hard things and we are often prouder for it. At the end of each day, before your head hits the pillow, review how you did. Give yourself lots of credit every time you make the choice to help heal your body. If you chose differently, be compassionate with yourself but vow to find the motivation to do better the next day.

Having the right eating plan is useless without the right attitude to stick to it. Work on your attitude and then find the right eating plan by trial and error.
posted 25 Jul 2021, 22:47
I second the Brain Over Binge book because it avoids a lot of the diet craziness out there and you won't get caught up in years of being too focused on eating and weight. Actually, if you aren't purposely restricting your foods, your weight is fine, and your health is good, you're probably just making up for unconscious undereating. But if it concerns you, it's worth looking into it. Just don't assume you're damaged.

BTW, do you mean you eat an EXTRA 3,800- 7,700 calories in a day? Like 5000-10,000 calories in a day? Because that's how much you'd have to eat to gain .5 to 1 kg overnight. Otherwise, it's mostly water retention. And people can sustain a low weight eating that way periodically. Or vice versa. It actually takes 3 years of eating 100 calories less than your body needs to sustain a ten pound weight loss. The body adjusts.
posted 28 Jul 2012, 12:27
I've lost about 30 lbs. (16% of my weight) over the last few years. I didn't cut out fast food. However, I keep raw and cooked frozen veggies and fruit around and I just had half the serving of fast food (half a burrito or half a hamburger and half the fries, or eventually a whole burger but no fries) and half a plate of freggies on many occasions. I put it all on my plate before I start eating and stop eating when the food is gone, or sometimes sooner when I get too full. I put the other food away before I eat so I am not looking at it. Other people's food is theirs, not mine.

I highly encourage you to stop talking about dieting or wanting to lose weight or whether food is healthy or not around your boyfriend. Enjoy every bite of the meals you do eat and find other things to talk about and do with your time. Put food in its place and expand your life! It's what all successful weight loss maintainers end up doing. You can, too, whether your boyfriend is bolstering you or not. In fact, he'll more likely follow after he sees how much more content and vibrant you become.
posted 28 Jul 2012, 12:16
decreasing carb intake
There is a difference between what you might do to lose weight and what you might control if you have an actual health condition. The Italians and French have the lowest average BMI's in Europe and they eat plenty of carbs and not even whole grain. The French eat more dairy than the other Mediterranean countries but have the lowest heart disease rates.

Someone losing weight for a few weeks or months is not a true measure of an eating program's success. It needs 2-5 years before relapse is not likely. And diets cutting out any food group have failed notoriously IN THE LONG RUN. They give a false sense of freedom and set people up for a strong binge cycle.

Learn to eat moderately of the non-sweet foods you enjoy the most at meals a few times a day. Save sweets for special occasions a few times a week or month. It's a great life. (nosdiet.com- free and not my site)
posted 28 Jul 2012, 12:01
oolala53 has submitted 5 posts

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