Joined December 2014
Weight History

Start Weight
180.8 lb
Lost so far: 12.1 lb

Current Weight
168.7 lb
Performance: losing 1.5 lb a week

Goal Weight
172.0 lb
Still to go: 3.3 lb

I want to lose a bit of weight and get fitter

I moved to italy 3 years ago at 95kg, at the time i moved i played 5 games of 5 a side football a week, i ate well and often, the weight creeped up but lots of football combined with cycling a lot meant that i was never a fat guy, i was solid (You understand I hope) but at 5ft11 it is not a natural state to be 95kgs and having moved to Italy i became very aware of health.

Since I have moved 4 close friends have died and this has had a major impact on me (Obviously) I think about them a lot and know that life is a fragile state. I will not punish my body by dragging around excess weight nor will i compromise my health by eating bad stuff, this is not a dry run and I want to be one of those fit 85 year olds that sill plays golf and carries his clubs!

Quit smoking cold turkey in 2003, i have not had a single draw since I quit
Quit drinking in 2009, i have not had a single drink since I quit (I actually quit to see it would help my on the football pitch, the intention was to quit for 2 weeks, but i do on miss it and love living a life without alcohol).

I read a statisic, on average people gain 2lbs a year for the first 25 years after high school, I am not planning to add to this, I will be lighter, fitter, stronger and probably healthier too at age 43 v age 18.

I wish everyone massive success in their journey and encourage you to message me, I am happy to communicate with anyone on here.

Have a great day, I plan to.


beasty1's Weight History


last weighin: gaining 0.1 lb a week Up
last weighin: losing 18.9 lb a week Down
last weighin: losing 0.5 lb a week Down
last weighin: losing 4.4 lb a week Down

beasty1's Latest Posts

A bit frustrated
Diablo360x wrote:
I don't need nutritional expertise. All I need is the time to read those studies I linked above.

I think our metabolisms vary. Our expenditure varies depending on lifestyle. We all can vary when it comes to our TDEE. You can find yours here

Now simply create a deficit and lose weight. Or you can believe certain foods, which are simply macronutrients to your body, are special and make you magically gain fat.

The way you preach on here to people, you better have a PHd in something health related or understand that your opinion is not expert opinion even though you clearly think it is.
posted 13 Jul 2015, 07:00
A bit frustrated
People seem to be confusing their opinions with absolute facts

posted 12 Jul 2015, 07:25
Before and After, anyone?
Interesting link i scored 6...
Love chocolate... I mean if it were legal I would marry a bar of dairy milk

My waist is 82.5cms
posted 29 Jun 2015, 07:58
My first day
howzat4u wrote:
chatterbox34482 wrote:
My down fall is my cokes!!! Gotta kick the habit!!!

sugar free coke has about 1 calorie per large glass, might be worth drinking that

Sugar free coke is pretty close to poison, there is more to being healthy than losing a lb and not consuming a calorie
posted 24 Jun 2015, 09:39
Weight loss diet plan
Diets are pretty much always doomed to fail plus they only concentrate on weight AIM FOR HEALTH not just weight

There is not a single fad diet you should be on,

eat smaller portions, concentrate on making your food delicious, take your time, each day i put fruit juice into 2 litre water bottles (drinking water is boring, water with some fresh squeezed orange, chilled is delicious)

Have your favourite meals in BOWLS not plates, you will eat around 60% of the normal portion, but your brain thinks you are full as you had a full bowl (we tend to eat what is on the plate, no one stops 75% of the way through a meal do they)

My main thing is to make food really nice, take my time eating it and have lots of water and orange or water and lemon as i eat.

Just had lunch, white fish in a small panino roll, i spread a pesto along the edge to add flavour and chopped up a lot of cherry tomatoes, maybe 750ml of water juice mix i am plenty full utterly delicious, i do not count calories if you are doing that again IMO you are setting up for a fail, you need to eat well, enjoy it and ensure its not too much (for me anyhow)

If you are hungry, make sure you are not thirsty first, drink first eat later! Where i live it is normal to have lots of bottled water around so that is an easy thing to do.

If you are hungry EAT! eat well, eat small and take your fad


ps i live in italy, eating well is important
posted 24 Jun 2015, 06:06
beasty1 has submitted 5 posts

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