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08 August 2023

Today is the anniversary of our son's death, so of course I'm thinking of the circumstances. He was a passenger in a small Toyota pickup truck with his best friend driving and his friend's 15-year-old girlfriend in the middle. They had just dropped off our son's 16-year-old girlfriend. It must have been crowded sitting in that small truck but the guys probably liked that. They were on a street just 2 blocks below ours, but over near the golf course. The drunk driver came out of the bar at the golf course from celebrating his 31st Birthday. He had already received 3 DUIs. Fortunately, he was alone because he went on the wrong side of the road and hit the 3 kids head-on and was dead at the scene. Our son's best friend is now a paraplegic, his 15-year-old girlfriend used a walker for 6 months but recovered. Our son didn't have a seat belt on and I'm guessing he flew up and hit the metal at the top of the windshield because he had a bad wound across his forehead. I met a policeman later that told me he was at the scene and that he cried about the accident when he got home. Another of our son's friends that went to the scene and came to our house in the middle of the night to tell us about the accident has since committed suicide. He told others that our son asked “What's wrong with my body”. His neck must have snapped back because he had brain stem damage so was probably paralyzed pretty quickly. It comforts me to think probably he didn't have pain. I've read Joni Erickson Tada's book about her swimming accident and she said after she dove in water shallower than she knew, she didn't have pain, she just couldn't move her body and her friends had to rush in and save her. Her life story is very inspirational. She has a little movement of her shoulder area and paints with a brush in her mouth. Being in a wheelchair all her life has been very, very hard. She has a big ministry to the disabled out in the Calabasas area that 2 of my friends worked at. Her many books about her life and struggles are well known. A doctor told me that day that worse things could happen to our son than death. My husband wouldn't even go to the hospital with me to find our son. I went alone to our close local hospital and saw the guys sitting outside with the rescue squad and asked them if they had been to the scene in our neighborhood and when they said yes I pumped them for as much information as I could. I learned that our son had been airlifted to another hospital further away and that he was unconscious and his eyes were fixed and dilated. I called my husband at home at that point and asked him please to go with me to the second hospital. He refused. I got a little lost going to the other town to find the hospital but I clearly remember my panic driving there alone and assuming our son had brain damage. It felt like Jesus was sitting in the passenger seat of my car so I wouldn't be alone. I have never felt His presence greater. But He is still sustaining me or I couldn't live the roller coaster life I live. I think my husband is slowly getting worse. He hasn't hit me again since I wrote about the last time on 7/3 but he is angry almost every day over something. I must still be in denial about our daughter's death because I just can't believe she's gone. Whenever I call our son-in-law in Arizona her voice is still on the answer phone. I don't know if I'm grieving more for her or for my marriage. My brain feels like mush but I think I am changing very slowly. I'm not quite as defensive to my husband's abuse. I think I only got angry at him and snapped at him only once this last week. Maybe I averaging once or twice a week. Or maybe I'm just being optimistic. I'm so tired emotionally I am caring less about many things. And that's probably good. It may be a little protection to me later. After 62 years of marriage and knocking myself out trying my best my priorities may be changing slightly. I've been one with stunted growth, especially emotionally. Change is probably a good thing. I don't know. I think in grief we just get worn down. If that makes me less sensitive, I'm just flowing with it. I'm not crying, I'm just trying to cope each day. So much doesn't get done. There's just not enough left of me to go around. I find myself not caring about things so passionately. I say I'm not crying but I "feel like" I have been, and that I'm tired out from crying so much. Maybe I just cried inside.
Weigh-in: 131.4 lb lost so far: 0 lb still to go: 11.4 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (34 comments) losing 1.2 lb a week

31 July 2023

Finally reporting or checking in: I've only had wine twice in 117 days; 7 desserts in 88 days (even if only half): about 1 every 2 weeks. I've had bread, tortilla, or pizza 5 times in 29 days (approx. once a week). Shared a piece of pizza with my husband last night at Costco while shopping. I believe this to be extremely reasonable, even if I'm not. I do intermittent fast 16/8 seven days a week and since my leg is better I gently jog on the Rebounder (mini trampoline) up to 30 to 40 minutes a day for about 2 weeks now. Even with all that I've only lost about 2 pounds since April. I still weigh 14 pounds more than I did on the first of November when our daughter died. I'm thrilled the sciatica down my leg is better enough that I can gently jog up to about 5 minutes at a time. Clothes are not as much of a problem now. I've let out enough of the hand-me-down pants and tops from my late sis-in-law or thrift store shopping from years past that I have plenty. I suppose I have more size 6 waiting for me than any other size although I do have many 4's waiting in the attic also. I have even opened the waistband on a few 8's and 10s and inserted a piece of ribbon to fill in to accommodate this old spreading body. I now don't cut off the excess down the side of the legs when I take them in. Between the 2 to 3 lbs I lost plus the additional exercise, I'm pretty much a size 10, down from a 12 a couple of months ago. At only 5 feet tall that is still excessive since I am like an old mattress. I have lost 3 ¾ inches in height so have become “squat”. My stomach sticks out and my back is becoming increasingly curved. I stand up as straight as I can when I think of it but my back is my biggest physical problem. This is for info only, I don't mean to complain. I am very grateful to be as good as I am, and that I am still mobile, and able to shop, cook, and clean up even though in only short bursts of about a half hour. I will be 82 in October. Last week was our 62nd Anniversary but unfortunately, the same day was the one-year anniversary of when my husband closed our joint saving account and put the money in his name only. He has no intention of changing it back. I am still grieving for my marriage and losing our beautiful daughter. Our son-in-law is still devastated. He is very handsome, tall, and buff, but I don't think he will ever get over it. She was gorgeous and accomplished and he was totally devoted, maybe too much. But then my next-door neighbor is in the same situation. His wife wasn't beautiful but was not well, on dialysis, and he took very good care of her. She has been gone just over a year, he is very buff and has gone back to work at the MTA nights. He did get a young beautiful girlfriend that he was serious about. Guess she wasn't because she just broke it off. He says he continues to just knock around an empty house. He keeps telling me how bad I will be if my husband's bad heart gives out. Next will be an update on my sick friend. She is better and home now. I doubt if she will ever be what anyone could call “good”. I wonder if I could make it to the “Senior Chair Exercise” at the park today. It's been a month since I was there.
Weigh-in: 132.8 lb lost so far: 0 lb still to go: 12.8 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (5 comments) losing 0.4 lb a week

03 July 2023

I still keep up with intermittent fasting for 15 or 16 hours daily. I only had wine one evening in 89 days and only had 4 desserts in 61 days. That equals about 2 desserts a month, and some were only half or croissants. I think that's reasonable, but I'm still not losing any weight. My sciatica is better but my knee was very painful for a couple of weeks. Now that it is better I have started very gently jumping or walking like motions on my little Rebounder which is like a tiny trampoline for inside the house. It has to be gentle since I still have the fractures in L5 vertebra I was born with and 3 bulging disks. I live with quite a bit of pain. I think I will need to give up bread and other high carbs for a time, to be able to lose the 16 pounds I gained after our daughter died. At my size that is at least 2 sizes, and since I am near the top of my weight scale, clothes are a problem since most I own are in smaller sizes.

Today is trash day for us and as I was taking out extra this morning I saw in the regular big black container plus also in the recycling one my husband threw out some of my possessions including a traveling bag and my favorite ice chest. When I tried to take out my traveling bag he grabbed me, shook me around, wrenched my arm, and hit me hard on my other arm, and threatened to smash me in the face and break my teeth. He said he will be throwing away many other better things. Now two hours later my head and arm/wrist hurt. My heart (emotions) hurt worse. We have lived in our home for 52 years and I am grateful to have a roof over our heads and food to eat, even though I have been sleeping on the couch for 10 months since he locked me out of our bedroom. I don't expect anyone to understand why I stay but I only make $530. a month Social Security. Even a garage here rents for $1,500. a month. We only have one car. I was hoping to preserve our home in case I outlive him. I loathe the idea of giving up our home in a court battle to divide it. I'm not really capable with my bad back of moving half of our possessions out and can't afford an apartment. He was in the hospital two weeks ago and has trouble breathing.
Weigh-in: 134.2 lb lost so far: 0 lb still to go: 14.2 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (13 comments) losing 0.1 lb a week

21 June 2023

I am still able to keep pretty well to my 16/8 intermittent fasting every day. Some days I eat an hour early since needing to cook for my husband. I have had wine only once in 77 days, and only 2 desserts in 49 days, but am not losing any weight. Life hurts so much I haven't given up bread. I think I am grieving more for my marriage than even for the loss of our daughter. I just can't believe she is gone.

We went to our cabin a week and a half ago to check on it. It's above 6,000 ft elevation between Lake Arrowhead and Big Bear in Southern California. We didn't make it up there last summer because every time my husband made plans to go his breathing was too poor. The summer before we only went up twice, once to turn on the water for the few flowers we have and one new Dogwood tree, and once in November to turn it off and drain the pipes for winter. Actually the summer before that we only made it up one extra time for a total of three trips. For the last 5 years or more, my husband would rake the leaves and pine needles wearing his portable oxygen machine. It seems unlikely we would go last week since his breathing just keeps deteriorating these last three years. If he gets any extra water in his system (not enough diuretics) he develops water around his heart and lungs and ends up in the hospital. This last winter was a record breaker in California so the snow was extra, extra heavy, and we felt extra pressure to go check on it. Going in the winter is out of the question for him. Up there I worked washing the kitchen from two years of mouse droppings and the third day he went out to start two years' worth of raking. Even carrying around his portable oxygen, he overdid it and maybe dust and pollen contributed but his breathing "crashed" that night. We went home the next day, but I forgot to turn the heater off. The following day he was in the hospital.

I live on an average of 5 hours of sleep a night on the couch since he locked me out of the bedroom 10 months ago. At UCLA they keep you in Emergency for up to 6 days waiting for an available room, and he was there for 3 days. I only had a straight chair in Emergency and putting my head on his food tray, or leaning against the wall, I only got one hour of sleep a night for two nights. I did go out and lay down on a bench in the lobby for three hours the second night but couldn't go to sleep there. My husband's hearing aids weren't working so I needed to stay with him to explain his very complicated health and history. He has memory loss so he isn't good at that. Since I have felt so very betrayed this last year I wondered if I would stay with him in future hospital visits but when the time came, I did since I was able (mentally and physically). He was in such bad distress, I wondered if he would be coming home. I hardly expected him to. I was so wrung out with no sleep I didn't protect my purse well enough with his wallet in it. He said I hadn't given it to him on the way home like I thought. Three days of searching later I called to cancel credit cards and start mental lists of all the things I would need to replace, like a card for his pacemaker, Social Security, insurance cards, etc. He had put it in the drawer of his nightstand. I probably wouldn't have found it there in a year.

Now he's mad at me and disgruntled that the person who provided his hearing aids is out of the office for a week. The old audiologist hasn't called back probably because he is tired of dealing with such a difficult person. I am trying to make appointments for the outpatient ultrasound of his heart, the cardiologist, and the pulmonologist. I can't leave today waiting for calls for him. I need to go make keys for the neighbor to go in to turn off the heater at the cabin. My husband wants me to help him call various hearing aid places to ask about prices to compare to what he is experiencing. His place is trying to get extra even though insurance already paid $4,000. We can't tell them to go "pound sand" because he needs their constant help. It's such a balancing act between him being dangerous and demanding. He did say "Good Morning" to me but he basically isn't speaking to me. Probably, that's a good thing. You don't have to understand why I am still here with a disabled Narcissistic husband. It's okay. I've written about it too often. If you have those problems start YouTube with Dr. Ramini and go from there to learn what you are really dealing with. The Lord is carrying me. P.S. His Primary doctor just called and changed his appointment. Good thing I was here since he can't hear on the telephone. That's 4 doctors and 1 test accompanied by a doctor I am co-ordinating for right now. At 81 I'm grateful I can do this. Thank you Lord!

09 June 2023

Even though I enjoy having a glass or two of wine while making dinner I have not had any in 65 days, and have only had 2 desserts/sweets in 37 days. Even so, I haven't lost any weight other than going up and down a pound. Being old and inactive due to my bad back it seems it will take drastic action to lose the 16 pounds I gained after our daughter passed away. A couple of people tried to put a guilt trip on me but I'm ignoring them. Having a child die is very traumatic so I don't feel guilty, it's just pretty inconvenient. At my size that's 2 to 3 sizes up in clothing so I live mainly in stretch pants, and am busy taking out seams down my pants and tops that I sewed in as my weight went down in the past. Most of those are still too small since I cut off the extra fabric. I have lots of "hand-me-downs" from my late sister-in-law. Mainly they are beige and tan cotton kaiki pants and lots of tennis-type shirts. Not things I would buy but if I cut off the sleeves to a cap sleeve and zig-zag the edge it ruffles it a little and makes the sleeve more feminine so I can get by for every day. Today I'm having my teeth cleaned and then taking my husband to an appointment for his hearing aids. Yesterday I drove him to a doctor appointment with an ear doctor for an infection he has. It's always something. Last week he had 4 appointments and I went to the chiropractor. My back is worse as of yesterday so couldn't go to sleep last night. It scares me when it is so painful, since last year I couldn't get out of bed by myself for 2 weeks. I only got 3 hours of sleep, but it felt better when I got up and around this morning. The man that cuts the grass every two weeks came today so I went out and picked up fallen loquats off the back lawn and cut the dead roses off about 15 bushes. The ones out along the sidewalk have mostly dead blossoms. I counted the dead blossoms on one bush just for the fun of it, and it had 55 dead blossoms. Now it doesn't even have one live blossom on it. Some of them up next to the house have about 20% of live roses on them. A hummingbird was buzzing me so she must have babies up in the tree. Time to take my blood pressure and get ready. Unfortunately too often lately it is over 170, before meds.
Weigh-in: 134.4 lb lost so far: 0 lb still to go: 14.4 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (14 comments) gaining 0.2 lb a week

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