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06 February 2024

Well, we are drowning in rain, yet last week the politicians were saying there’s a drought coming, guess they were hoping to raise prices of water and such. Now emergency money is needed, floods, mudslides, and water rescues.
I was worried about Katsolo in San Diego, for boy, did they get hit hard!!!! Now, it’s our turn. Thunderstorms are coming which absolutely scares me. Just like Leonard Bernstein would never go outside during a thunderstorm, for he was a very good conductor, scared I might be as well.😳

I am a bit worried because there’s a few trees that are pretty dang tall here. I guess that will be my year goal to remove and trim them. So many trees have fallen on homes here, and destroyed them. As much as I love the trees for the birds, not worth losing your home over. You better beleaf it!😆

On another note, it’s National Frozen Yogurt Day. May pick up two little ones for my hubby and I for tonight, in the rain and all. 😋 Why in the heck did someone make a winter day such a National Holiday?! Yet, l am seizing the moment. Remember all those women on the Titanic who waved off the dessert cart.🙃

I am doing well, lost a few ounces didn’t gain even over last week’s fiasco. Didn’t get steps in yesterday. Will try to today even though it’s raining. I’ll walk the warehouse. If there was an award for taking the fewest steps in a day, I wouldn't get it, because I wouldn't even walk up to the stage to receive the award. OUT….🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚶‍♀️🚷

Have a Terrific Tuesday!🌺🌧️⛈️⛈️⛈️
Do or do not. There is no try.

05 February 2024

OK, we’re all ready a little bit into February, hoping this month will be a better month, but it already has a few problems. First problem is we need a new roof and it’s pouring.out.⛈️ Second of all, my husband is starting to get asthma back and that’s very scary. Hopefully it’s just a cold. Lastly, the truck wouldn’t start today in the rain. The battery had no juice, so we jumped it in the rain. The whatchamacallit wasn't connected to the thingamajig...💦💦💦

The good part of February is, besides Al getting a bit of asthma we’re pretty healthy so far.👍 Plus, even though it’s raining out, it’s not the storm they predicted at our home, not another Hillary for us. Finally, the best part was the truck starting.👏👏👏 In addition, my hubby and I have a date for Valentine’s Day!👍 It’s, February 14th, that’s it.🤣

I’m leaving early for work today, as the last few days at work I only worked five hours. My work partner is out for the week and my boss only worked half days and I refuse to close alone. Too scary mostly to the alarm not setting correctly. I’m in a hurry so I’m grabbing whatever is in my closet and not even going to look at it for it’s International Clash Day. 😁

Have a Marvelous Monday!🌺🌧️🌧️🌧️🌧️
I am not retreating! I am just advancing in a different direction!

04 February 2024

Sorry I have taken a bit of time off. Sometimes life gets stormy and all you can do is take a step back, come in from the rain, dry yourself off, and wait for it to pass.

I was taken in by a scammer, really my brother was. My brother is a doctor and one of the heads of UCLA, he’s retired now though. He has always told me what to do, and as I took care of our parents for years on end, he never showed up to visit, yet told me what to do. Sometimes it was helpful, but he always knew best.

People who follow me know my son, sometimes has depression problems, and when he is stressed, he takes it out on me, which I’m OK with. My son’s the one going through the depression, he just needs a sounding board at times.

Well my son is doing well, he started a job he likes, and started school to be a medic, he has a plan and it’s finally going his way.

My brother called me telling me my son had called him stating he was too embarrassed to call me as he got in a car accident rushing to work and crashed into a pregnant lady and was now in jail. Red flag 1. He had just left for work, how could he be even in jail yet, processed and have a case number? Red flag 2, my son is the most careful driver ever, never ever even bumped anyone. Yet, my brother TALKED WITH HIM! Red flag 3, he never ever talks to his uncle, how did my son even know his number? My brother was convinced he had talked to my son, and my son had lawyers already, Red flag 4, that wanted to get him out of jail that day, but of course, it will cost money. They needed money NOW and it had to be cash, Red flag 5 and 6 and 7!!! How could a judge already in that short time decided on bail amount? Too, how is it that it needed to be CASH, where I live in a state where everyone, EVERYONE walks free - a no bail state!!???? My brother said it was $10,800. My brother even made me out a check, for he was worried for my son.

So, I was being slapped in the face with tons and tons of red flags, yet my brother, the genius, pushed me on. At the end I only spent $2,000 in cash to get my son out. Then I texted my son, that crap happens, everybody makes mistakes, when you get out use an Uber to get home and use the emergency credit card. I quickly got a text back saying, WTF???? I am at work what’s going on?

I never thought of trying to text him thinking the phone was taken away since he was being held. Great stupidity on my part, not trying to text him the very first thing.

Believe it or not, I may have been out $2,000, but I was so happy and relieved that this was a scam and my son’s life was not ruined by losing his job and not being able to continue in school. I was jumping for joy.

The worse part was I had taken the day off, and I had so much to do on turning in 1099s, and the forms were not printing correctly at work. That was a nightmare as well.

My whole problem was always listening to my brother, who knows everything, yet every step of the way in my mind, I knew this was sounding like a scam, but went forward with my brother urging me on.

Moral of the story, always listen to your own instincts!!!! I should have called the court as well to double check, nothing made sense. Now, I worry about my brother turning into a fool and be taken in by scammers far and wide. 😬
Last time I ever listen to him as well, I am grown and don’t need his vast wealth of knowledge.

Best news, my son is fine and doing well, I am out of $2000, which I can make up easily, intelligent people have been scammed out of savings, so really we’re OK. Always call and check on facts of a story. Don’t believe what you’re hearing. I could’ve simply first of all, texted my son, asked exactly what the court number was and called them, plus even called the police asking about an accident happening to verify. ALWAYS VERIFY!!!! Even if you’re thinking you’re talking to someone of authority — DOUBLE CHECK, DOUBLE CHECK, DOUBLE CHECK!!!!! The nice part, my son said if he ever does hit a pregnant lady, leave me in jail.😁

Now, I need to start again on losing, bought myself bad delicious treats, just because.🙃 We went out last night, may go out for a fish dinner tonight, if I get all my weekend chores and regular chores done. I am trying to get back from my stupidity!! Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe.

There’s suppose to be a huge storm today.😳 My hair already looks like below. 😩 🤣

Have a Stupendous Sunday!! 🌺🌧️⛈️🌧️
Learn a lesson from your dog- no matter what life brings you, kick some grass over that shit and move on.

29 January 2024

Both of us got a lot done yesterday at Al’s work. The only problem was, we were going to work on a Sunday. We thought we had the place to ourselves, but everybody else was there as well, the boss and many others.😟 I didn’t dress or get fixed up to meet his clan. I was sort of dressed incognito, hoping not to be recognized by anyone. I absolutely promise you, if I had dressed as if we were going out somewhere important, not one person would’ve came in yesterday to his work.😩 I can’t win!

Gotta go, I have to finish reports, as I couldn’t get them all done on Friday and I was pretty laid-back about it. It’s not like me. Also, this is the day of getting back on track, even though I’m not an engineer.😁

Have a Marvelous Monday! 🌺☀️
The four most important words in any marriage—I’ll do the dishes.

28 January 2024

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