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16 October 2023

This morning I got up when my alarm went off at 6:30am and did:
Kaleigh Cohen Strength - 20-minute NO REPEAT SUPERSETS Full Body Strength Training

Followed by her:
15-minute POST-WORKOUT STRETCH for Injury Prevention & Flexibility

This is the start of my 10 weeks to Christmas. Who knows if I'll keep it up, but I will try.

It's not easy for me to get up at that time. Lately hubby has been waking up at 4:30 or 5:30 in the morning and always wakes me up and I struggle to fall asleep again. Then, when my alarm does go off I end up setting it half an hour later until I finally move sometimes at 8am - or if I do wake up I'll phaff on my phone until then anyway.

I want to get totally out of that habit and get up right away either to do a workout or go for a walk if the weather's ok. Ideally I'd workout 3 days a week and walk at least twice on week days as well, but I'll be walking to work 2 and 3 times this and next week respectively so that's a start already. Today I'll need to walk to the library to return a book later so that will be around 6k steps too. I'm still aiming for minimum 6k daily average for now and have hit that for the last two weeks.

We got a new Renpho Body Composition scale because last Monday hubby broke our old one. So I'm quite chuffed and got it set up yesterday. So my weight is still 69.65kg so that's my starting point. But, I usually record only my Friday morning weigh-ins on FS so I'll keep doing that so it will be interesting to see whether I can get close to my current FS reading by then.

My goal is just to get to below 65kg by Christmas. The body fat reading is 33.4%, which is in the red right now so I'd like to get that to 30% so it goes green - whether by Christmas or soon after would be good. I'd also like to increase muscle mass as I go, but as I'm starting off with puny 4kg dumbbells and just doing 20 mins three times a day that will probably only creep up very slowly if at all, so I'll see how I go.

The aim is to increase weight as I go, but I've usually only gotten up to about 6.5kg before, so we shall see. I have a 20kg total set so max would be 10kg each, but at the moment I could only manage a small set of leg movements with those so I'll keep it with the lower set up for now because I'd love to see some tone on my upper arms as I think I've probably mentioned before. Starting a bit slowly, but I can probably increase to 5kg and then 6.5kg pretty soon if I keep at it.

Anyhoo, Happy Monday to you all! Hope y'all have a great week! xxx

09 October 2023

06 October 2023

We had a wonderful time on holiday in Turkey (you guessed right Booty), and it's taken me some time to get back to tracking calories, which started last week. I've also started taking 5g of Creatine on weekdays and consciously trying to up my protein, which is going well so far. I'm averaging about 80g of protein a day, which is nowhere near my target of 110g, but it's much better than the 65-70g I was getting before. I will work on that.

What isn't going well is the desire to do more strength training. I did two 20-minute YT workouts last week with good stretches afterwards, but this week, although I've felt physically capable, the mental desire was just not there. I don't believe in leaving it up to motivation, but I also know that I probably won't stick to any kind of strict schedule. I need to get back to a point where I'm enjoying it again and then I know I'll naturally just 'fit it in'. It's much easier to find those essential gaps in my day when I'm in a generally happy place, but it's been tough this week. The grey and gloomy weather and cold temperatures are already getting me down so I need to push past that. I also haven't managed a daily walk so my step count is down and I think that affects my mood too.

I've been dwindling at taking ACV because I hate the taste, but I can tolerate a teaspoon in my oats sometimes or mixed into salad dressing so I'll continue to try to work that in. Just not doing the tablespoon in the mornings anymore. I've been doing IF on some days when I feel like it, but it's anything from a 10 to 14-hour fast so it's just a tool to help reduce calories somewhat sometimes and that's fine.

It is just about 12 weeks to Christmas now and I've drawn up a 10-week calendar starting on the 16th. I want to make these weeks count - the time will pass anyway, but I'd love to put in some effort to be more consistent and try to do 2-3 strength workouts a week along with at least 7k average daily steps. It's not really about the scale although I always do still track that. A slight bit of upper arm muscle development along with a firmer mid-section is on my Christmas wish list so even if I can make some small, measured strides in that direction I'll be happy. I also have a fleeting hope of visiting SA to escape some of the UK winter in early 2024 so that is an incentive to improve tone as well.

I've been meaning to post some of my holiday pics and write about it for ages now, but I am somehow not in the right mental space lately so if I do it will be a complete retrospective. It's been a bit of a strange time lately of feeling disconnected from the world in general with no good explanation or excuse, but I hope I'll get back to engaging properly here on FS again soon. I do love reading and seeing everyone's posts and I miss 'being here'.

Temperatures are meant to be 23-24 degrees C this weekend so I'm hoping to soak up some rays to last me through the week. Sending positive energy your way in the hopes that some will come back to me too! Wishing you all a fabulous weekend! xxx
Weigh-in: 147.5 lb lost so far: 42.1 lb still to go: 2.0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (2 comments) gaining 0.2 lb a week

01 September 2023

This is after an un-recorded weight of 67.2kg last week, so I'm not too upset about it. Started tracking calories again this week and stayed in a good range. I've also been managing my average of 7k steps a day. Did IF since Tuesday, and I think that's helped too. I will try to continue next week.

I've also started having a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in the morning since Wednesday. I used to do it years ago, and I'm still not sure if it really works or that it's just a placebo for me, but I'll try anything to lessen the visual spread around my midsection. Just hate the taste, so having it in black coffee with a tsp of honey. Weird, but tolerable.

Our holiday is approaching in just over a week, and I'm feeling a bit nervous about it. Probably just because other holidays we've wanted to go on in recent years never materialised, and for some reason, I'm dreading it happening again even though it's all booked and paid for already. Hoping this feeling goes over the weekend. Next week should be busy with work, so I won't have time to fret, which is a good thing.

Hope you all have a great weekend! Meant to be up to 24 degrees here this weekend, so we'll take a picnic on a walk somewhere pretty.
Weigh-in: 146.4 lb lost so far: 43.2 lb still to go: 0.9 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   (5 comments) gaining 0.8 lb a week

18 August 2023

Weigh-in: 144.8 lb lost so far: 44.8 lb still to go: 0 lb Diet followed reasonably well
   add comment gaining 0.2 lb a week

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