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21 October 2010

20 October 2010

"Stress. It's a killer, " Bartok from Anastasia (1997)
I love movie quotes, who doesn't? Regardless if you do or not this quote hit me hard today. I am reading a book about alternative metabolisms, and how everyone's is different but treated the same. In the reading it talked about how a person can go from one kind of metabolism and do really well with diet and exercise, and then it suddenly stop working the same way it did before. It essentially becomes a alternative metabolism. One of the many causes, was stress. Sometimes a person can be so stressed out about something that basically the metabolism changes like a kid scared of it's parents when they get angry. It shuts down and stops processing the way it did.

I honestly didn't think much of it when I first read it, but then it occurred to me. My plateau began, almost to the day I discovered I was having severe financial difficulties. My plateau has continued this whole time as I have been struggling to "stay a float."

I knew it bothered me and I thought I was kind of stressing about it, but as it dawned on me and how it has impacted my very existence; I realized for the first time it has really stressed me out big time.

So what am I to do? Quit stressing about it. Easier said than done. I am of the positive thinking persuasion and well I know it can be done. I just really have to let the issue go and try not to make it run my life. Who knows, maybe acknowledging it, will be enough to say, "It's okay metabolism, you can come out of your corner. Mommy isn't mad anymore. Sorry."

So watch the stress levels as you progress in your own diets. It may be the clog in the drain.

19 October 2010

14 October 2010

11 October 2010

Today we are trying something a little different. After all I believe in "the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

What's different? Juice. I generally avoid it as much as I can (Dr.'s Order's), but I had a coupon for two free bottles of V8 V-fusion not too long ago, and the bottles have just been sitting in the fridge. I am in a money crunch at the moment, so it is "consume what I have," this week.

I have juice. I am dosing up on the V8 Light Juice today. It means more carbs, but maybe it will awaken my metabolism enough to start burning again. Since about June, my metabolism has slowed to a crawl. And it isn't like I haven't been working hard to make it work. I've changed what I've been eating to encourage burn, I've increased exercise big time (every day, as opposed to every other day). No soda and lowering carbs too, but I can't get the pounds off the way I was before June. I've even included salad, and I LOATH SALAD. I can barely eat it without wanting to wretch.

Insight about my pickiness: Vegetables I can stand include carrots, spinach, mushrooms, a wee bit of cauliflower, steamed broccoli, peas, green beans and corn. I like most fruits, but those tend to be very sweet and sugary. So I am working with an few boundaries as it is.

However, I am sticking with my Diet Royale philosophy as a matter of principle and it is apart of my overall thesis. Let's see if a little liquid beta carotene can't get this engine running again.

I am only juicing today, because that's all I got at the moment. Anyone wanna buy my groceries this week? Thanks, that would be great! :D

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