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02 May 2024

I talked to my realtor today. She has a partner she works with who seems really to be her assistant. That's who contacts me about showings and everything else and who tried to figure out why my house doesn't show up in my neighborhood on She found out why but it seems to be something that is unfixable. Anyway, I told my agent I was concerned because I am getting so few showings, also I wondered if the lower commission might mean fewer agents will show it. And other issues. She said the commission is not an issue, almost everyone is doing lower commissions now, 5%. And she has 6 or 7 other listings (all showing up correctly in!) and no one is getting any showings right now. She said it is unusual because this is usually the best time of year for buying and selking a house. But mortgage rates are still high and getting home owner's insurance is very difficult and expensive. State Farm and another company, maybe Allstate won't write new policies. Felt a little better, that it's not just my house

I'm getting take out everyday so I don't have to worry about cleaning the stove or kitchen. Not a good thing, I know. I'm scared to step on the scale. But at least I am not snacking much. But I discovered chicken strips for the first time and had them 3 times last week! Now I'm tired of them. Got a foot long sandwich at Subway today, half for tomorrow. I'm going to ask my neighbor, who is gone for a week,to help me move my microwave from a closet to the kitchen counter. I had moved it before pictures were taken of my house. Now I want it back! I have a dozen Lean Cuisines in the garage freezer. Maybe not the best choice, but easy and better than chicken strips and meatball sandwiches.

Bobby went to the groomer yesterday and looks just beautiful! No one would call him Scruffy today

27 April 2024

Still no offers on my house. Tomorrow will be 2 weeks since it was listed. No one has been to look at it since Sunday but there are 2 appointments this afternoon. One really good thing about the house being up for sale is that it is clean all the time. It takes about an hour every morning to get it ready. I use a Bona mop with a pad for pet hair twice a day. Can't believe all the cat hair it picks up that I can't even see. I have to dry the shower after using it and I have only used the stove once or twice because it is so hard to clean. My eating hasn't been good because I am picking up meals too often. I ordered a pizza which was good for 3 days of meals. I also ordered spaghetti one and the best part of that meal was the garlic bread! Not sure what I will eat today. So far, just 2 cups of coffee. I'll probably get something to eat this afternoon while my house is being shown. Bobby is allowed on the patio at the restaurant where I got the spaghetti.

19 April 2024

I am hating having my house up for sale! It was listed on Sunday and I left for Oregon the same day. Was hoping to get an offer (full price and all cash!) by the time i got home. That didn't happen. Bobby stayed at my sister's house and the cats stayed at home with the pet sitter coming in twice a day to feed them, scoop the litter box, give Marco his insulin shots and then clean the food plates. She even agreed to use the Bona mop to pick up cat hair, litter, etc. She texted me that one of the cats seemed stressed out and wasn't eating. The next day he was better and she sent me a picture of him eating. I've been home for one day and don't know how to deal with this. I spent about 2 hours this morning getting the house ready to show - scooping litter boxes, mopping the floors, putting all the blinds up or open so the house is light and bright, putting a quilt and pillow shams on the bed, drying the whole shower after using it, etc. I don't want to cook because the stove is so hard to clean. I was hungry around noon so looked at the menu at a pizza place close to home. Lots of good stuff to choose from, sandwiches, spaghetti, etc. I finally just made a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. I did some weed whacking and then used the leaf blower on the garage floor just to keep a little busy. My realtor told me about 20 agents came through on the broker tour and there have been about 7 showings. Can't believe the 7 people didn't fall in love with the house! Hopefully it will get shown over the weekend but I am not enjoying the process at all. It wouldn't be too bad if I didn't have Bobby. I could just go somewhere for the day like the casino, Winco, meet friends for breakfast or lunch. But he has to go with me which is hard for several hours a day.

03 April 2024

I finally got in to see the 2nd orthopedist for another opinion about my knee. His office had postponed it twice. I'm really glad I went. My real estate agent referred me to him. It was about the opposite of what the first orthopedist said as soon as he walked in to the room after reviewing the MRI "I recommend total knee replacement". That is something I didn't want to even think about. The knee issue is new. It started on October 30th, so it's been 5 months. But during the time the issue has gotten better. Originally I couldn't put any weight on the knee for about a week. Then I could, I could walk with maybe a little limp but I got throbbing knee pain. Then that pain went away and has been just an ache. For awhile it was constant and now I rarely notice pain except at night. Why go through that awful surgery with a lengthy recovery and not being able to drive for at least 6 weeks when I hardly hurt? The new orthopedist told me a piece of bone and some cartiledge had broken off and there was a meniscus tear. He asked when it started and how I am feeling. I told him everything and said I am getting ready to put my house up for sale so I've been going up and down the garage and porch steps probably 20 times a day at least and have been on my feet for most of the day for about 2 weeks. He told me I'm not going to make the damage that has been done any worse by anything I do. I could get a new injury but to just go ahead and live my life. He did give me a cortisone shot and said that should get rid of most of the pain. If things do get worse and the pain continues he could go an arthoscopic procedure to clear things out and trim the meniscus. But it may not be necessary. He said knee replacement would be a last resort. I asked if I could walk my dog since the physical therapist said not to. He said to live my life as normal but did say it's best to avoid dirt trails where the ground is uneven and I could step on rocks, etc. He also said spending time off my feet can help as well. I asked why I couldn't put weight on my knee to begin with and then I could. He said the resting I did helped and the inflammation got better. What a relief to get that 2nd opinion!

My eating habits are still terrible. Getting the house ready to sell means I do not want to clean the stove! It's so much work getting the heavy grates off and cleaning it. So I am not using the stove. I admit to eating junk, not confessing more than that. But I hope to bring some healthy food on my road trip to Oregon in 2 weeks and likely will not eat too bad while there as long as I don't bring junk to keep in the room.

Taking Bobby to the vet this morning and then maybe even take him for a walk when we get home! He will be excited.

I spent Easter at my niece's house, about an hour's drive. Stopped at the cemetery first to put some flowers on my parents' graves. Bobby was excited to go to my niece's house. They have 2 dogs, smaller than Bobby and my sister was there with her 2 little dogs that Bobby knows well. He had so much fun with 4 dogs. Much more fun than at home where there are just 3 cats and him.

23 March 2024

I've decided to try to take it easy this weekend, if I can. I'm usually so lazy and don't do much all day so this burst of activity trying to get the house ready to put up for sale is a big change. I keep a pedometer in my pocket and have been getting in well over 10k steps just around the house with some trips to the grocery store, etc thrown in. Yesterday was the lowest in about a week at 12k. Today I need to rest my knee, ice it several times and do the physical therapy exercises. I really felt the pain overnight and had to take Ibuprofen around 2am. I had furniture taken away yesterday. I don't have a sofa now. The one I had was shredded by the cats on all the corners so don't want that when people are looking at the house. The idea is to buy a new sofa when I move in a material they are less likely to scratch and to buy more cat scratching posts and towers. They will use those and leave the furniture alone but I had a moving company come out to my house 2 years ago and they said not to move the big towers because they add cost to the move. I also had the bed in the guest bedroom taken away. There is carpet in the 3 spare bedrooms and I'm having the carpets cleaned soon. Even though the carpet is less than 3 years old, there was nothing but cat hair under the bed. They love being under beds! I don't like carpet and put the luxury vinyl plank flooring everywhere else 3 years ago. The carpet was a mistake. I gave my kitchen table to my sister a couple months ago. So all I have is one bed, 2 o!d kitchen table chairs (I think they were my grandparents'), and wooden trays for meals. Basically I will just rest with a wedge pillow on the bed, have coffee on the front porch or deck where i still have some chairs. Other than that I will be working in the house. Today I will vacuum the guest bedroom and clean the floors where the sofa and entertainment center were.

My eating was good again yesterday with the Asian chicken salad, blackberries, 1/4 bagel and I logged everything. Last trip to the grocery store I bought a bag of Kraft caramels which can be dangerous. The idea always is to have something like that in the house when I want something sweet, but I usually eat too many. I thought about them yesterday but didn't open the bag. That is a victory for me! The goal is 0-2 a day and I hope I haven't finished the bag before I go to Oregon in April so I can take 1 for each day I am gone.

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