Joined October 2013
Weight History

Start Weight
217.0 lb
Lost so far: 27.0 lb

Current Weight
190.0 lb
Performance: losing 1.3 lb a week

Goal Weight
175.0 lb
Still to go: 15.0 lb
At my heaviest I was 280lbs with 35%+ bodyfat. I found a diet that my body responded well to and stuck to it, within 6 months I lost over 30+ years of bodyfat doing nothing but solely focusing on diet. I did absolutely zero exercise and lost 71 pounds and 25% bodyfat in 6 months. I began weight training again after taking 3 years off in January 2015 and have been consistent since then, 5 months later I've gained all of the muscle, but none of the fat back because I stayed on this diet. That's how you lose weight and keep it off, you concentrate on diet FIRST.

Bcoulal's Weight History


last weighin: losing 0.8 lb a week Down
last weighin: gaining 0.1 lb a week Up
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last weighin: losing 1.7 lb a week Down

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How does this work?!
When I first did the LCHF diet, I didn't follow the rules down to the T. Even then, I followed it close enough to lose 71 lbs and 25% bodfat.

This year 2016, I tuned it up more, clean it up better, and tweaked it (lean towards more extreme measures). Goal is to get to 175 lbs by September this year, which would be a total of 105 lbs lost.

As far as hunger goes, after doing the diet properly for 3-6 weeks, your hunger for carbs will subside and you'll barely feel the urge to binge on that pizza or breaded product. Out of sight, out of mind, so they say.

But if you keep consuming carbs that go over 50g a day or keep tricking your mind that you're consuming real sugar by consuming fake sugars, then you're never going to get out of the carb addiction loop. I don't even consume fake sugar products, not even Splenda or Stevia. I won't trigger those pleasure centers of my brain and reawaken the sugar beast.

Right now, without even trying to fast, I literally forget to eat. One day I just forgot to eat and it was 48 hours from the last time I ate (2 whole days). This keto diet literally makes your appetite disappear (if you do it properly).

This year I'm keeping my carbs around or below 30g, and all carbs will be organic green veggies, that means no sweet fruit at all. Can't reintroduce fructose sugar back into my body, that poison is banned from my body forever.

Again, my carbs are all from green veggies, I don't eat rice, potatoes, corn, beans, legumes, or nuts (okay maybe peanuts, but they're technically beans/legumes, and they're high in good fats and protein and contains decent amounts of organic unprocessed carbs, be careful, they add up quickly. I think 7oz of dry roasted peanuts contain 35grams).

Since keto is all about high fat, low protein, and low carbs, my sources of fat are: grassfed butter, extra virgin coconut oil, peanut oil, olive oil, grassfed beef and buffalo lard/tallow.

I don't eat vegetable oil (rapeseed oil), corn oil, or canola oil. All GMOs. I won't touch margarine (fake butter) with a ten foot spork. I won't consume anything with hydrogenated soybean oil nor will I consume any produce that contains soybeans (this includes soy sauce). For meat, I try to stay wild-caught/hunted, if not then grassfed beef, free-ranged chicken and eggs, quail eggs (which are delicious and the yolk is more nutrient packed than regular chicken eggs), duck eggs, turtle eggs, snake eggs.

Then I sometimes I go wild-caveman and eat insects like fried grasshopper, tarantula, scorpions, caterpillers, and any creepy crawler with enough protein and fiber. What can I say, I'm Asian, I eat everything, even the stuff Americans consider disgusting.

Eating grubs/insects are a way of life in Africa and other 3rd world countries. Only in 1st world countries would certain cultural foods be considered gross. lol
posted 25 Mar 2016, 01:17
Needing motivation
The only thing I can unofficially advise is to limit your carbohydrate intake to at least 50% or less. You have to stay away from sweets or anything that stimulates your sweet tooth (including fake sugar), which is what gets you craving fattening food in the first place. Good luck and feel free to ask me or anyone in here that's lost weight and kept it off as a veteran of dieting.

Diet should always come first before fitness. As you'll see below, I lost all the weight without doing any exercise during the 6 months of my experimentation with the LCHF diet.

It's safe to say it was a successful personal experiment (and the only diet that's kept most of my weight permanently off, without exercise). The only diet that ever worked for me and saved me money because I ate less food, despite hundreds of diet fads out there that's trying to sell a magic lose-weight-quick pill.

Since January 1st this year alone, I've lost a total of 50lbs on diet alone. I've been meaning to go to the gym, but I'm too lazy, that's okay though, I still lost significant amounts of weight despite my lack of "activity."

My goal is to reach a weight of 175lbs by September this year and of course I'll inevitably integrate some form of light-exercise into my daily routine (still too lazy right now). I used to weigh 280lbs. It's been a long journey in my trial and error when it comes to weight loss, but it's been worth it.

I can now say I've conquered the repetitive yo-yo effect of my weight gain/loss history by taking a risk most people advised against, eat tons of fat and very little carbs and actually lose weight and keep it off.

Keep your head up and never quit and finally, never stop learning about nutrition. You must do more than just feed your body, you must also feed your mind.

posted 23 Mar 2016, 06:40
Need Motivational Buddies
The only thing I can unofficially advise is to limit your carbohydrate intake to at least 50% or less. You have to stay away from sweets, which is what gets you craving fattening food in the first place. Good luck and feel free to ask me or anyone in here that's lost weight and kept it off.

Since January 1st this year alone, I've lost a total of 50lbs (22.68kg). My goal is to reach a weight of 175lbs (79.38kg). I used to weigh 280lbs (129.28kg). It's been a long journey, but it's been worth it. Keep your head up and never quit.

posted 23 Mar 2016, 06:24
LCHF Buddy for 53yr female
Well, I've never gone completely meatatarian, but there's a first time for everything. A long time ago I first delved into Paleo, then I discovered Nutritional Ketosis and how it treats and may even reverse all kinds of chronic diseases like epilepsy and insulin resistance to name a couple.

I used to have frequent painful gout attacks every month, but since eating a keto diet, gout has vanished into thin air! I've been gout free for over 2 years since I started eating keto. I normally don't consume dairy products due to lactose and casein protein, which is hard on the human digestive system, but I'll make an exception for grassfed Kerrygold Irish butter.

I don't eat cheese, yogurt, or any dairy constituent that's high in casein protein. I stay away from food that tastes sweet and contains fructose, this includes fruit, the Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde food that contains 50% good and 50% bad sugars. I don't eat rice, wheat, or nuts. I normally don't eat legumes, but I'll make an exception for peanuts (which are technically beans).

Even then, I gotta watch how much I eat, because the carbs add up. 7oz of peanuts is a decent amount that gives you plenty of protein and fats, and only 35g of carbs. I don't eat peanutbutter, it contains hydrogenated oils. I don't eat soybeans - Soybeans contain isoflavones, which are chemically similar to estrogens. The meat I try to eat daily are fish, butterfish is my favorite, delicious sea fish that when cooked/grilled, the fish oil/fat tastes just like butter!

I'll eat veggies if they've been steamed. I won't eat boiled veggies. This week our city municipal water department is going to add a corrosive agent fluoride into the water supply, which was a national mandate, not that I drink tap water (filtered toilet water) anyways, I just won't eat anything that's been boiled in it. That also includes restaurants if I ever go out to eat, which I don't. My primary source of fats are typically: grassfed butter, animal fat like lard/tallow, fish oil, extra virgin coconut oil, and if I'm desperate enough and ran out of my favorite fats, olive oil.

I absolutely despise the taste of olive oil. I do have a gallon of extra virgin olive oil sitting there just in case of emergencies. My proteins mostly come from meat, although some come from peanuts, I don't eat peanuts every day. I don't eat mixed nuts because I'm allergic to real tree nuts, especially pecans.

Also, pre-made salted nuts/mixed nuts have cotton seed oil added to them, which is a waste product of the cotton factory and is a very pro inflammatory oil. Cottonseed oil is nothing more than a by-product of industrial waste produced during cottonseed processing. Cottonseed oil is also genetically-modified because it comes from cotton, the majority of which is grown from GMO seeds.

So it is not only in the processed foods you are eating such as cookies, crackers, salad dressings, desserts, and other foods, but also in cotton swabs, clothing, personal care products, and more. It's like sugar, it's literally hidden in almost everything you eat that's been processed/refined.

Don't even get me started on MSG, I'm Asian and most of Asian cuisine uses MSG as a primary flavoring for all their cooking. Now that American food companies figured out how to add MSG to literally everything processed/refined to make you come back and buy more of their nutritionless products.

It's an uphill battle of either eating "food that tastes like heaven now, but suffer hell later" or "eat boring whole organic plain food now and live a longer and painless life." Cognitive dissonance comes to those who frequently boggle at the crossroads of decision making.
posted 07 Mar 2016, 23:05
LCHF Buddy for 53yr female
Not absolute 0 carbs, I get some carbs from internal organs I eat like liver, because that's where glycogen is contained. I sometimes eat steamed veggies, but that's basically it. I don't eat fruit, I don't eat seeds. I drink only water (distilled water). I don't even drink tea or coffee. I'm not worried about eating really low carbs, like 0-10g from natural meat, because that's a given, I just don't touch anything that's in powdered form, whether it be whey protein or wheat flour.

An example today would be me cooking a big bass and bathe it in 6 tablespoons of kerrygold grassfed butter. That by itself is 1,000 calories. Later on, I plan on eating 1 pound of 27% fat ground beef, which in and of itself is 1,100 calories + cooking it in 3 tablespoons of butter, which is another 300 calories. All-in-all, that's 2,400 calories.

It's easy to eat a lot of calories on the keto diet. Carbs are obsolete. Unless you're an athlete, you don't need to eat that much carbs anyways. Too much glucose in the blood stream is toxic, that's why insulin comes in and cleans it up and put them in their respective places like good little janitors.

Also, you can eat 0, or near 0 carbs and survive just fine. Your body actually can create its own glucose from amino acids and fat in the liver via the process of gluconeogenesis. Biochemistry, science is awesome. Very Happy
posted 04 Mar 2016, 16:07
Bcoulal has submitted 5 posts

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