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17 April 2024

Good morning FS friends

So yesterday's doctor appointment went as would be expected. He did one more test which was to have me walk on my heels. Nope. Can't do it (left yes, right not a hope in heck)

Referred for zap testing (not sure when) to see which of the nerves that branch from the sciatic nerve are impacted. Therapy/surgery/brace whatever is to come won't be known until tests are done, results are in and a specialist is involved. He asked whether I had back problems (I don't). Any previous injury to the back...sure 50 years ago when I was doing the Fosbury Flop, overshot the landing mat and landed on pavement. Buggered up my sacroiliac (yes, it took months of in home physio to recover from that one)

And so it goes. As I was in town, went to the butcher and picked up some "treats"...tonight bacon wrapped pork tenderloin medallions and for tomorrow provolne and asparagus stuffed chicken breast for Thursday. What always astounds me that these things from the butcher shop cost far less than what a combo from MickeyDees across the road does. Odds are it will be infinitely yummier too!

Back to painting (almost done)

Over and out

16 April 2024

Good morning FS friends

Keeping on, carrying on. I sent John home so I could finish painting as his next appointment in this region isn't until the 22nd. He had his head MRI last night (found out last week that he has had a persistent headache since November). Hopefully we'll be getting some results on the 22nd and will be better able to plan the path forward. This whole hurry up and wait scenario is like a big black cloud hanging over our heads. Universal healthcare has its' upside but speed is not really part of the equation.

Recovered from my binge of a week and a half ago with a combination of modified IF and strict monitoring. I learned from that incident that my body no longer tolerates junk well, in fact it did not feel good. Working to hang onto the feeling of a junk food hangover so as to not do it again. Surprisingly it interfered with quality sleep, overall energy and digestion.

Onwards with my personal plan to get to a healthy weight as it is one thing I can control. Have my doctors appointment today to get to the bottom of the muscle wasting in my right leg. Strange that I didn't notice it at the gym, but I suppose the left leg was compensating for the weakness in the right. Not sure that much will happen other than perhaps a referral to a neurologist which will be a start at least. It would be such a shame if I again lost mobility after the long road to regaining it. Think positive Ann.

Over and out

15 April 2024

Weigh-in: 167.2 lb lost so far: 96.8 lb still to go: 27.2 lb Diet followed 100%
   (5 comments) losing 4.6 lb a week

08 April 2024

Weigh-in: 171.8 lb lost so far: 92.2 lb still to go: 31.8 lb Diet followed poorly
   add comment gaining 3.8 lb a week

06 April 2024

Happy Saturday FS friends,

So I binged yesterday. I've tried hard to control emotional eating and up until yesterday, did really well. Turns out that my tolerance for setbacks isn't infinite and stoicism only carries me so far.

Aside from the ongoing anxiety relating to John's potential cancer diagnosis, I found out 2 days ago that there is something neurological going on with my own right foot/leg. In the past few months I've been walking a bit funny and my foot has been falling asleep. I mentioned it at the foot doctor so she did some physical tests and the right side is far weaker than the left. It's almost like drop foot except that it was the left side where the pelvis was fractured and repaired, and left that has the total hip so if any side had neuro issues it should logically be the left. Have booked with my PCP to find out what's up. All I know is that I'm scared witless of falling again so need a foot I can trust.

I was so looking forward to the totality on Monday as my old friend was to come down and spend the weekend and we were going to experience the event together. Given we're expecting a gazillion people here, did my shopping early which included things that normally I would not have in the house. Well my friend cancelled. So I ate my disappointment and underlying anxiety. That stuff I bought....gone. I snorfed most of it. Threw the rest away this morning.

What I learned. My body isn't used to junk anymore. Puffy and swollen today, wicked indigestion and poor sleep overnight.

Thankfully, that emotional eating phase has passed and am back on track today. Will enjoy totality with my furbabies instead.

Over and out

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