ETNOC's Diet Calendar - June 2024

Daily Average:   Exercise: 316kcal   Food: 748kcal (Fat: 28.44g, Protein: 34.56g, Carbs: 59.01g)
Monthly Total: Exercise: 9483kcal   Food: 2991kcal (Fat: 113.75g, Protein: 138.26g, Carbs: 236.03g)

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
          1 2
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13 14 15 16
17 18 19 20
Net 180
21 22 23
Net -229
25 26 27 28 29 30

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Daily Average Calorie Info

of RDI*
(748 calories)
50% of RDI
Calorie Breakdown:
Carbohydrate (37%)
Fat (41%)
Protein (22%)
* Based on ETNOC's RDI of 1500 calories (09 Oct 17)
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