CherBru's Journal, 06 September 2008

I must be truthful, it is hard to get back on the right path. I am struggling. My little sister, Kellybo has been on me for months & months about journaling. Yes I tell her, I think it is a good idea, but I don't know that it is for me. I'm not as social as she is and not nearly as "creative" as my mother. However, Kelly has challenged me to journal everyday for a week. Okay, here goes!

Speaking of 75 year young, spunky, outspoken, passionate mother told me last night that she has started writing a book. She would not tell me the subject but said she is on Chapter 7! I can't wait!

So back to "losing weight". I lost about 25 pounds since the first of the year, but slacked off in June and started back-sliding in August. I've stopped exercising too. :-(

This week I've made up my mind that I have to get back to business. My husband does all the cooking and he loves it. However, he also likes to eat. We have been married almost 6 years. We are in this together and he is very supportive, but I know when I slipup he really likes it because that gives him an excuse to slip up. I kindof like it when he slips up 'cause that gives me a "good excuse". So the cycle started in June, came to a head in August and will come back into control in September.

My personality is to face this in a realistic manner. I know myself and I know if I become overly ridgid I will fail. I also know that when I am too lackadaisical I will fail. So I have to find that "happy medium" that works for me.

It was a big surprise this morning when I weighed in. I was happy! Last week when I weighed (I didn't record it, but will go back and record it for the record) I went into panic mode. So, I'm doing a "U" turn.

Goals for week: Journal everyday, eat healthier, and increase activity from zero to anything greater.

So, out to dig up that hosta and divide it. I have been saying I was going to do for the past 2 years!
174.6 lb Lost so far: 21.4 lb.    Still to go: 9.6 lb.    Diet followed N/A.
losing 6.4 lb a week


I was never a believer in the benefits of journalling before fatsecret. I always considered it to be a waste of time! But after a few weeks, it started to grow on me and now I'm to the point where I'm addicted! So there's hope that you will find it less uncomfortable as you get more into the practice! That's great that you have the support of your husband but must be tough that you both have to keep each other in line! But good for you for making the commitment to yourself to start back on the path to healthy living.  
06 Sep 08 by member: evelyn64
Hey there! I like you have thought for years that journaling was a waste of time, and only for people who like to sit around and navel-gaze all day. Why write about life when it's out there to be lived! But then I started, and I, like Evelyn, am totally addicted. I do my fair share of navel-gazing, but to my surprise, I spend less time during my day doing self-analysis 'cause I know I'm going to put it all down here. Also, I have gotten positive responses indicating that something I have said has been helpful to someone else. This was totally surprising to me, but I have certainly found lots of helpful wisdom in other people's journals. So if it helps, think of people you may unknowingly be helping as a result of daily journaling. 
06 Sep 08 by member: Simille
Great plan to get out and get the hosta moved and separated! That is a good all body moving workout. :) Good for you for getting back to the ol' journal. Your moms book sounds very interesting, indeed! The journaling here is priceless, if not just to let go of some of the days stresses and find that others can if not relate, support you and it's like having your best friends, a keyboard away. :) Good luck today! 
06 Sep 08 by member: bullytrouble
I'm so glad you accepted my challenge to journal every day. Keeping a journal has made such a big difference for me. I feel sure it will for you too. I agree that you have to do this "your" way if you want to be successful in changing things for the rest of your life. We both have learned how easy it is to get off track in a hurry. Luckily you're back without gaining much weight at all. I am sure you've already made some really positive changes to your eating habits or you would have gained a whole lot more. I think you should move here so we can walk around the subdivision together. :) That would take care of the exercise problem. BTW, I am already thinking of a good challenge for you next week. I'll make it easy for ya! Love ya Sis!  
06 Sep 08 by member: KellyBo
Hey, dig up some of that mondo grass for me while you're gardening. :) 
06 Sep 08 by member: KellyBo
Kudos to you for stepping up to the plate and journaling! I have found that it's very therapeutic, and the support you get with comments is invaluable! So Mom's writing a book?! Maybe you could sneak a peek over her shoulder as she's writing and see if YOU are one of the characters...LOL. Good job getting back on track. Hang in there! :) 
06 Sep 08 by member: mbhpro
i have to agree with journaling being something that grows on you...its hard to find something to say everyday...but at the same time its nice to have someplace you can say what your doing, or how your tryin to stay on track, or just joke around with your one of the characters in the and your if it will be a best seller or one of them tell all like kellybo is tryin to get you thats great...sometimes you need someone pushin you just a little can do this...once you set your mind to it!!!!! 
07 Sep 08 by member: loosinisfun


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