jsfantome's Journal, 28 June 2011

3 more days (including today)...and a wake-up... and then I am off! I can hear the waves calling my name :)

Been poking around journals, food logs, forums, etc... this morning, and putting my two cents in where I can. Probably not what people want to hear... but based on my own experiences. It brought to memory something that happened to me in the beginning of this journey, and I've decided to share it here... in case someone else can benefit from it.

So - when I started I went full force totally CLEAN induction for 3 weeks and lost about 12 lbs. Then I went on a 3 week vacation (took my mom to Alabama to visit her sister's.) I did great on the road trip down there... but during the time I was there, I ate Induction most of the time, but not all of the time. I kept giving in to more and more options of things I knew I wasn't supposed to have, but thought of it as a vacation, and I would get back to 'normal' when I got home.

Well, when I got home I had gained back ALL of the weight I had lost. First 3 weeks of Atkins = 12 lbs lost. 3 Weeks of vacation - 12 lbs gained! YIKES.

This experience set in motion my desire to figure out 'why' so many people on the Atkins site would say ..."this is my 2nd time, or 3rd, time, etc.. doing atkins, and this time I hope to stick w/ it". I knew if I was going to CHANGE MY LIFE - this was going to have to be a PERMANENT change in my way of eating, and become a new lifestyle for me, or I would most certainly regain the weight. This was a defining moment!!! This was not a diet. This literally had to be a new way of eating. If I couldn't accept that, then THAT WAS the time to say NO to Atkins, and move on to something else, because otherwise I would end up like the myriad of posters who a year or two or three...would be coming back to say 'I'll try it again'. I didn't want to 'try' it... I wanted to LIVE it!

Ok, so I started again.

100% Effort, totally clean induction, doing all things according to plan. Lost one-to-two pounds over the first two weeks. WHAT??? What happened to my 12 lbs during induction losses? Oh boy, the HARD work had just begun!

Stick w/ it Paula... something has to give... you lost it the first time, it'll come back off... another week goes by, then another, still no losses.

So, I find my way here to FatSecret in the meantime... meet some really nice people, experienced people... and this one woman was kind enough to offer to look at my food menus and offer to help me.

I would venture to say I was around 3-4 weeks into my RE-Induction period after the vacation debacle. I told her honestly about my recent past experiences - and opened up my food log for her to look thru. I was rather happy about the fact that I knew - I KNEW she would not be able to criticize it, or pick it apart, as I was completely committed to making this work... and knew I had not cheated.

So, I opened an email from her, and much to my surprise it said "Lose the Jello!" ARE YOU KIDDING ME! I have had to give up everything under the sun, and I find one thing that I like, that 1000 other people are eating and losing on... that cannot be the one thing that is causing me to not lose weight! That's ridiculous!

That's exactly what I told her.

She nicely wrote me back - gave me now scientific explanation about sweetners, artifical ingredients, etc... and then CHALLENGED ME. How many times BEFORE atkins... did I eat SF Jello in the last 12 months??? - My answer: 0

So, then she said - can you give it 30 days? If your body again starts losing at the end of the 30 days, then you can honestly say the SF Jello had something to do with. Because EVERYTHING else I was eating at the time was wholesome, natural, real food. (eggs, meat, cheese, veggies, butter.)

Ok, she had a point. Since normally I was not a SF JELLO eater... yes, I could give it up for 30 days! But I didn't want to!!! I ATE the JELLO in the beginning and lost the first 12 lbs eating it...it couldn't be the jello! (this brain arguement went on for days :)

Another week - faithfully following Induction - still nothing.

Ok, it became far more painful to stay the same then to change!

So, I gave up the jello.

First week out of the gate, down a pound. Next week, another pound. Following week 2 lbs... then consistently 1-2 lbs every week, week in and week out... UNBELIEVEABLE. I literally almost gave up my success with this new lifestyle and way of eating over something that never meant anything to me before. Just the thought of having to give up one more thing ... well, it was the right advice for me, and I am glad she gave it to me.

Not everyone has to worry about this issue. Most people are not affected. But about 25% of people eating low carb are very intolerant to artificial sweetners, sugar alcohols, fillers, gelatins, etc. This experience taught me sooooo much about myself, my stubborn will, and my new found way of eating.

When you learn from them... it makes each experience, INVALUABLE!

Hope you guys have a great day!!! Never stop looking for answers, and seeking the BEST for yourself! You deserve it :)


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Have a wonderful time, Paula! And bring back a boatload of stories for our journal reading pleasure 
28 Jun 11 by member: Helewis
Thanks Heather! You know I will :) Will need some dramamine - but am hoping to go Deep Sea Fishing while down there, too!!! (different kind of boatload) but it should be fun! 
28 Jun 11 by member: jsfantome
Jill - jump over to this journal page... much Love. 
28 Jun 11 by member: jsfantome
Your are "UP" this morning. Between the upcoming vacation and good news on family - it is back to the old Paula! 
28 Jun 11 by member: BuffyBear
I hope you have a GREAT time on your vaca! I found the jello thing VERY interesting. I don't do Atkins per say, but I do low carb. I honestly never thought of the sugar free jello as being something bad. I have always eaten it. That's what I have as a 'treat' when I'm craving something sweet. I don't eat it as much as I used too, but I still eat it. I put whip cream on top as well. I think my July experiment will be to eliminate my akins bars AND jello. Those are the only two things I eat with artificial sweetener. I guess I will have to find something else for my 'sweet treat' if I need something. I have read some great recipes on here so maybe I will try one of them. Thank you so much for posting this. Things like this really help people who are trying to make this a 'lifesytle' and NOT just a diet. =) 
28 Jun 11 by member: HerStrawberri
Strawberri - keep me posted, I would love to know if you notice any difference over time w/ eliminating these? Do you like cream cheese. I substituted one or two celery stalks w/ a couple tbsps of cream cheese as a snack... I even think the fat in the cream cheese did me good :) 
28 Jun 11 by member: jsfantome
Morning Paula, like this journal..I have to agree that the advice of others can make a differance in your diet..just like the one who told me about being lactose intolerant..Since I gave up the milk I have started losing and my stomach thanks me every day but not acting up.. have a wonderful trip and be safe......Bren  
28 Jun 11 by member: BHA
Hey Buffy - definitely feeling strong, excited, and happy! Looking forward to endless, uninterrupted 'time' w/ my hubby ;) Not to mention I made myself a promise that if my weight wasn't back under 145 by vacation, ... no indulgences! However, after yesterday's weigh in, (and finally...after 3 solid weeks of Induction) back down under that to 144!!! So, I may just have a "skinny girl margarita" after all!! 
28 Jun 11 by member: jsfantome
JS~ I love cream cheese and celery. I have an issue with to much cheese though. I'm STILl trying to get myself ( don't wanna be gross) regulated. I'm thinking of getting a probiotic this weekend. I will def let you know about how it goes with the experiment. OH and WTG on the LOSS!!!!!! 
28 Jun 11 by member: HerStrawberri
Bren, - absolutely! It's made all the difference to YOU! The one thing I found interesting... looking back ... was my inital reaction. I was mad! I didn't want to have to give up so much. I felt like an idiot for ruining my initial lead... but I didn't know. I was such a newbie! And then I was trying so hard, and doing everything 'right'... what the heck, not my sf jello too!!! I almost gave up. Now how silly is that really? I needed to get a grip! And I did. And then I lost the rest of the weight and now... could not care less if I ever have it again... EVER! Not if IT is the difference between me now, and me 65 lbs ago!!! Nothing tastes that good! Not in my opinion. 
28 Jun 11 by member: jsfantome
I agree 100%, I wouldn't have a cold glass of milk for nothing..But thank goodness there is Silk Almond with all the differant flavors..And they have more calcium than regular milk to boot..Win, Win for me.... 
28 Jun 11 by member: BHA
Gee Paula, your journal today sounds like one of mine on Friday!! I love that your so happy today. The vacation will be wonderful. I also loved what you are saying about people looking at your meals with an impartial eye and seeing something that you don't see. I kindof feel that way about my coke zero experience. it really helped me learn and I now know for certain that if I drink a diet soda, there will be consequences. I now can decide what is right for me. And have not had a diet soda in a month :) I am wondering about splenda vs aspertame vs stevia and all the other stuff. In your experience, does it matter? I generally don't have much artificial sweeteners. I have surgar free vanilla syrup in my morning coffee. Normally that is all I have and honestly, I could cut it out and probably will now that i am thinking about it - can't really taste it anyway. Sometimes, if i am craving sweet, I will put a package of splenda in a couple of oz of cream cheese and have my version of cheesecake. This past weekend i went all out and had real sugar free cheesecake twice (once was Cheesecake factory and the other was room service) neither one caused more cravings so I was happy but they may cause a weight gain. Anyway, the point for me is that I know I have to have some treats. Otherwise I will start feeling sorry for myself and go off the wagon and not get back on for 10 years as I did last time :) As you said, this is a lifestyle change not a diet. I just wonder if there are any 'safe' indulgences for people like us? I am apparently very carb sensitive or I think I would loose more than 4 pounds a month. I know that you are carb sensitive as well. Any thoughts? 
28 Jun 11 by member: esimnons
Eliz - well, for sure I do think there are differences in the splenda vs aspertame vs stevia. All I can go by is the common comments made on here, and on other low carb forums on the web... and notice that A LOT of people have issues w/ them, regardless of which one. Now, Atkins recommends staying w/ splenda. Other folks make other recommendations. In general, I have seen some people use the SF Syrups, no problem...while others still...stall out their losses. Personally, I would limit them to 2-3 times a week, one serving (treat) on a given day... and call it an experiment. If the occasional homemade treat (like your cheesecake) 2-3 times in a week w/ splenda, doesn't affect you... then - for now - you can have that. It may be that it will never affect you. Or 3 months down the road you could try a different recipe - have one too many splenda's that week, and lose nothing. This is the 'very sensitive' part that I figured out about myself. Eating whole foods has not bothered me at all. I can even eat things slightly higher in carbs (like onions, or eggplant) no problem. Even 1/2 a sweet potatoe on occasion, still no issue. But throw in a piece of Orbit gum... total stall. Or a jello... all done for the week. I'd rather eat some fresh fruit in the morning and totally enjoy it, than chew on a piece of gum anyway... so it was a no brainer for me. Over time, you will find the things you are most sensitive too... and learn to adapt your new way of eating to fit the need. FORTUNATELY, I wasn't a BIG sweet eater to begin with... and I wanted the weightloss more than I wanted a 'treat'. So, I just learned to find other things that satisfied and left me not really hungry anyway. And BTW - 4 lbs a month, consistently, is a GREAT JOB!!! Once you get going on this lifestyle change...the 6-10 lbs a month... is rare! Keep on keeping on! Much Love. 
28 Jun 11 by member: jsfantome
I have every intention of staying on track. one difficulty is the inability to weigh myself weekly to see how things are affecting me. But, I am trying to assess my cravings and hunger level to help guide me. it is all I really can do and seems to be the best way to learn about my body anyway. I think i will try to cut out the SF syrup for the next few weeks. If I lose more than 8 pounds when I get back to my Wii (it will be 8 weeks before I am home), then I will know that it may have had a positive effect. not sure how it can have a negative effect anyway so no harm no foul. I really can't taste it in the Starbucks anyway. I think it will be a good change. I have tried the Stevia which I have seen some folks recommend. it tasts bitter to me and i don't like it. Splenda is my tastebuds choice. I just did not want to be using something that was really bad for me. Which sweetener does Orbit contain? 
28 Jun 11 by member: esimnons
Aspartame and Sorbitol 
28 Jun 11 by member: jsfantome
i will try to stay away from both :) Thanks 
28 Jun 11 by member: esimnons
What a story! Thanks for sharing it with us. I agree with you 100%, this just has to be a life choice to work. I was skimming through another post that asked Atkins People how they planned to maintain when they are done with losing. Well, it seems that there were many responses that went way off the original posted question, & at the time I didn't have time to really READ it, but I think the real answer to her question is exactly what your journal is about today. Changing the way we eat & how we think about food for the rest of our life!  
28 Jun 11 by member: gg-girl
Darn it, I forgot to say - HAVE A GREAT TIME!!! 
28 Jun 11 by member: gg-girl
Your journal entry today is what I needed to hear. Your description of your reaction to the suggestion to drop the jello is exactly what I feel about a number of foods, most notably the Atkins bar that I feel I need to drop - at least some of the time. I may have to come back and re-read this entry from time to time. Gulf Shores should be a great vacation for the both of you! Have a wonderful - but safe - Fourth of July trip! 
28 Jun 11 by member: Sandy701
Sandy - Like you, at first I felt I needed the Atkins Bars and shakes. They made life much more simple and we tassty. With my life and the fact that i travel so much for work, having the bar and shake option was the only way I could see getting through the day. As everyone here has read, people kept saying that they caused stalls or slow weight loss so I realized I probably would be better without them. Plus, I like the idea of eating natural non processed foods as much as possible. What I found was that I could do without them easily. I learned that I could grab a few pots of regular cream cheese at breakfast (most places have bagels and waffells and other stuff that i can't have). I generally eat them around mid morning and don't really need splenda in them but if you need a sweet, add some splenda. i also learned that the lack of crunch was what caused me to like the bars so much. that and salt. So I strayed from induction a bit and started having a few macadamia nuts when I needed a little snack. those two very simple changes really helped get me off the shakes and bars. Hope that it might help you as well. As noted, this is a way of life for me and in order for it to be a successful one, I have to make the Atkins program mine and something that i can honestly live with.  
28 Jun 11 by member: esimnons


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