LuLu11's Challenges

1 to 20 of 20

  12 Weeks to a New You!
Join me in my own personal challange! I want to change my lifestyle, health, body and mind in 12 weeks.
status: Completed
ended: 30 Apr 12
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  Running my first 5K
Beginners running program stretching out over 12 weeks.
status: Completed
ended: 09 Apr 12
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  how much water can you drink
Let's make our goal 8 glasses of water a day
status: Completed
ended: 13 Feb 12
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  lose 20 lb before thanksgiving
Lets make a personal challenge to get in shape and lose 20 pounds with exercise and diet before the holidays!!!!!
status: Completed
ended: 27 Nov 11
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  lose 12+ pounds weight loss competition
lets get motivated and competative! split into teams and see who can lose the most weight!
status: Completed
ended: 21 Nov 11
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  30 lbs down in 12 weeks lets get it
lets do this folks because we can a healthier you will make a happier you
status: Completed
ended: 21 Nov 11
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  Shed the fat in 30 DAY'S with Jillian Michaels!!!!
The 30 day shred is a 30 day challenge. This workout is only 20 minutes a day!! Let's push ourselves and do this!!!
status: Completed
ended: 20 Jun 11
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  3 Month Weight Loss War
4 Teams - 1 Goal = Loss more then the other 3 teams!!! Plain and Simple!!!!
status: Completed
ended: 08 Aug 11
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  Summer Vacation Slim Down
I'm heading to Punta Cana July 12 with some friends. Hoping to lose another 30-40 by then. Join me for your summer vaca.
status: Completed
ended: 11 Jul 11
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  6 Water Bottles a Day!
Drink six 500mL water bottles worth of water every day. Counting bottles is an easy way to track this goal!
status: Completed
ended: 02 May 11
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  The Most Important Meal of the Day
A lot of people forget about breakfast, hopefully this challenge will help start a new healthy habit.
status: Completed
ended: 29 Apr 11
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  6 weeks postpartum, time to get back in shape
ok ladies we got the ok to resume work outs so pre pregnancy weight here we come!
status: Completed
ended: 21 Mar 11
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  64oz of water a day!
I am drinking about 30oz of water per day. This is not enough, so I am trying to boost that to the minimum of 64oz.
status: Completed
ended: 07 Mar 11
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  100 Push Ups in 6 Weeks!!
Join me for the 100 push up challenge! We will be following the program found on the website:
status: Completed
ended: 14 Mar 11
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  100 Sit-ups a day
100 sit ups every day. you can do them all in 1 hit or in as many intervals as you like. just hit 100!
status: Completed
ended: 29 Mar 10
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  50lb Slim Down Challenge
This is a 12 Week Challenge to see who can reach 50lbs weight loss first.
status: Completed
ended: 07 Jun 10
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  Shedding The Pounds For Some Summer Lovin'
This is for the late starters! Get in that desired summer shape! It's been a long winter so get to working on that figure!
status: Completed
ended: 25 Apr 10
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  No pop/soda/sugar drinks for one month!
Let's shoot for 4 weeks with no pop or other sugar-laced drinks. Let's drink lots of water instead!
status: Completed
ended: 09 Apr 10
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  5lbs gone by Turkey Day!
Small goals are the way to go! Let's try to lose 5 small pounds by Thanksgiving! ...and don't gain it all back in one day. =)
status: Completed
ended: 26 Nov 09
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  Thirty Day Shred!
Find motivation to stick with the 30 Day Shred here! The workout is just 20 minutes a day! So join up-and let's get shredded!
status: Completed
ended: 07 Dec 09
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