Debbie Cousins's Journal, 02 May 2019

Lots has been going on with me – none of it good. My eating has been totally out of control. I’ve also been sleeping A LOT. I sleep, then get up and eat (nothing I’m SUPPOSED to be eating), and then go back to bed, then repeat. Today, I’ve had SIX chicken salad sandwiches on King’s Hawaiian Sweet Rolls, TWO BBQ’s with coleslaw on Martin’s Potato Rolls, THREE “Chicken Biscuits” (which are brown & serve rolls hollowed out, then the bread fried in butter and filled with the buttery crumbs mixed with cream of chicken soup and stuffed back into the shells and baked. I also just had TWO individual cups of ice cream with chocolate chips, pecans & coconut mixed in. Oh, and I had either potato chips or Cheetos with each serving of sandwiches. NOT my finest moments! I’ve been eating like this for the past several days.

There’s a lot of stress in my life right now. On Tuesday, I had to get the house ready and do all the cooking for a birthday party of 16 people.

On Thursday, I found out that we owe over $4 THOUSAND DOLLARS in Federal Income taxes (we’ve never owed over a couple HUNDRED before, AND that we have to start paying quarterly taxes, the first of which - $1,000 - is already due! It really knocked the wind out of me. My husband is the Pastor of a very small church and, though we get to live in the church parsonage for free and don’t have to pay for electricity, his actual salary is only $18,600 a year!

On that same day, I found out that my best friend, who has been in a mental hospital 16 hours away for over a MONTH is going to have to stay there indefinitely. I really MISS her, though at least we get to talk on the phone once a day now – for several weeks, we couldn’t even do that. I’m very angry because her father is controlling her life and her parents treat her like a child, even though she is 32 years old. It looks like she will miss my birthday in June and like I’ll miss hers in July. With the financial strain, there is no way I can afford to go to Florida to visit her.

I STARTED going astray before either of these things happened, though. I had decided at the end of last week that I was going to go back to full-on Keto starting Monday. First thing I did when I woke up was to eat a navel orange, and then another one. So much for THAT idea.

I don’t want to be this person – this out of control, “so what if I’m gaining,” BAD EXAMPLE of a person! I LOVED getting on the scale every morning and seeing it go down. I LOVED being a good example that could feel confident in leading my challenge participants to success. Now, I feel like an utter failure. I know this is only temporary, but I don’t see an end in sight. I need divine intervention! I need God to give me the WANT TO before I can even attempt getting back on track. This is the worst I’ve been since I came back in January.

Just typing about it makes me want to go back to bed, which I will do. Sigh. At least when I’m asleep, I’m not EATING! What I SHOULD do is go on an extended fast (like 3 days) to get control of my eating again. But, as of this point, I just don't have the motivation to even start it, much less stick to it. Oh well. I guess things will turn around eventually.

I still care about everyone, and am still trying very hard to keep up with all my Notifications and "Supporting" people's weigh-ins and Journal entries.

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And then there's the predicament of your friend! You must feel so hopeless. i'm so sorry! I'd look at the emotional freedom technique, too. Sounds promising. 
03 May 19 by member: Miraculum
Debbie, you don't say who it is that says you owe $4,000.00 to the IRS. Is it the IRS themselves, or is this information from some individual that has prepared your taxes for 2018. Did you make a change in the person that prepared your 2018 taxes. I don't mean to be so noisy, but I am just trying to help. There is a problem here, and you need at least a second opinion and maybe a third and fourth. Is this extra money for back years since you have been audited, and includes interest and penalty? That seems the only logical explanation. If that is the case, then I agree, many here would like to help financially, including myself. If this is for 2018, where is the change in income? It is absolutely not logical. You need an advocate. I agree with @abbadabba that maybe the fair rental value of your parsonage and electricity may be added to your income, but perhaps the valuation is incorrect. A big house with a basement may come in at a high price, but it may be an unfair valuation when it is an older home. Who determined this valuation? Why did the valuation change from previous years. If the IRS is calculating income to you in the home/utilities, then whenever you use the home to minister to people that is a deduction. When you drive to minister to others, those miles are deductible. There is no way, that it is fair that the valuation of fair rent for an older home could bring your income so high, with logical deductions. If you have to pay quarterly now, that would indicate a supposed yearly bill of $4,000.00 from now on. So this seems like this is for 2018. Were you audited already for 2018? We want to help. We all love you so much. I will say here how I have been resisting Satan for you."Satan, I command you and all your demons, to get away from Debbie Cousins and her husband, in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth." Dear Lord, please be an advocate for Debbie. Please show her and her husband where they should go for help. Please give them your wisdom and your strength. Calm her mind, and give her courage. Thank you Lord, for what you are doing in Debbie's life. Show yourself strong Lord. We want to be able to praise You for what You are going to perform. I thank you Lord, for all the people You have brought forward to pray for her. I praise you ahead of time for the miracle You are going to perform on her behalf. My love to you Debbie, your snowy sis in Christ.  
03 May 19 by member: Snowwhite100
Snowwhite some of what you say is generally true, but not enough to be legit, for example the parsonage has no more deductions since it is owned by the church. And you can only use mileage from your place of business, such as the church building. I go to pastor's tax seminars regularly and they are somewhat complicated. I've had two CPAs really mess mine up bad. I too have been slammed this year by the IRS using the same tax preparer that I've used previously.  
03 May 19 by member: adamevegod1
Oh Debbie... I am so sorry for how disheartening this all is for you. Stress can be so hard to deal with, and depression can be downright debilitating—especially with all the losses you’re experiencing right now. You have been so helpful to so many people here on FS, and your faith and comments have helped me, in particular. The coffee cup I drink out of every day says this: Your situation should not change your praise, but your praise can certainly change your situation! And then there’s a “business card” one of the dearest ladies at church gave me almost 20 years ago and that I still have displayed on top of the curio cabinet in our dining room. It says, “Sometimes the Lord calms the storm. Sometimes He lets the storm rage, and calms His child.” Please know that I care about you, I’m praying for these “storms” to pass, and that answers about your taxes and your sweet friend become positive and clear. I’m sending hugs your way; please continue to let us know how you’re doing. 😢🙏🏻💖 
03 May 19 by member: laraae
To answer some of y'all's questions and comments ... first, we had our taxes prepared by a company that specializes in churches and ministers. The biggest thing that changed this year was that we could no longer claim our son, because he got married. BUT, I thought the fact that we have had a homeless man living with us since March 8th, 2018 would have offset that - it didn't. All of the money owed is for Federal income tax, and it is all for 2018 - we didn't have any other outstanding tax debt. On State taxes, we neither owed nor got anything back (we usually get back a couple hundred on State). To all of you who so generously offered to contribute to a Go Fund Me campaign, thank you so much, but I just couldn't do that. I'm sure we're not the only ones who ended up owing money because of these new tax laws. All the while I was looking at this insurmountable pile of debt, I was KNOWING that "My God shall supply ALL my need according to HIS riches in glory by Christ Jesus." HE has not let me down! My husband's mother also owed over $7,000 on HER taxes - which is hard for her to pay, but possible. When my husband shared with her how much we owed, she said she had a little policy of some kind that she had never cashed in when his grandmother died. She said she would check into that and use it to help us pay PART of the debt - she thought it was maybe $2,000 in value. When she checked on it further, however, she found that it was enough to pay the entire $4,300+ AND the first quarter of estimated taxes. THIS IS A MIRACLE! We had NO IDEA how we would be able to pay off the debt, but we knew that GOD knew our need, and that He has ALWAYS provided for us somehow. We've always had a roof over our head, and we've always had food to eat. We STILL have over $6,000 in credit card debt, but we were able to transfer $5,000 of it to a new card that has 0% interest for 20 months. If we pay $300 per month toward that, it will be paid off within the timeframe and we won't owe any interest on it. That will be TIGHT, but it is doable. We started looking at where we can "tighten our belts," and we found a way to save about $250/month on our expenditures by (1) getting rid of DISH network ($161.57/month), (2) getting rid of Netflix ($14.99/month), changing our Verizon Internet package to include the church land line instead of extra TV channels - the church will pay for that portion of the bill, and we'll save about $50/month, AND paying off the remaining balance on my phone, which will cut our Verizon phone bill by over $30/month. With all that, we should be able to come up with the $300+ per month which we need to make the quarterly estimated taxes toward 2019. We have also told our homeless guy that he will have to do odd jobs for people in the church to make the money to pay for his own cigarettes ($80/month). Thankfully, he was able to buy his last carton, and has enough money set aside from doing jobs to be able to buy the next carton. He has cut down from one pack a day when he first moved in to about 10 cigarettes a day now. SO, bottom line: We're good. FOODwise - I began this morning just drinking WATER and hot tea. I just made a 3-egg ham and cheese omelet, but was only able to eat a little over 1/2 of it and gave the rest to my husband. So far, less than 1 Net Carb for the day. My plan is to go back to the "basics" that started me losing weight in the first place. Today, I want to take in less than TWENTY (not 30) Net Carbs, get in at least 60% of my calories from fat, AND stay within my RDI of 1,600 (maybe even make it 1,500 for today, if I can). One day at a time, sweet Jesus! For NOW, I'm going out to walk around the property. Again, thank you to EVERYONE who took the time to Support my Journal entry, or make comments, pray, give advice. I appreciate you ALL, and am so thankful for your encouragement. I'd still appreciate your support as I now start trying to RE-LOSE the almost EIGHT POUNDS I put back on over the past 13 days. I love you all! 
03 May 19 by member: Debbie Cousins
So happy to hear that you found a way to pay the money. It seems like a lot of taxes to pay on a low pay. Hopefully something will improve in this area soon. You are having a great start of your new day!!! Proud of you!!!  
03 May 19 by member: liv001
I am so happy and relieved to hear that you have received the help you needed and that you have found ways to resolve the issues. It is good to hear that you are feeling better and getting back on track. Of course, you have our support and our love as always. 
03 May 19 by member: shirfleur 1
I just seems fundamentally wrong that taxes should be so burdensome! I do remember that it was an expensive blow when we couldn't deduct our kids anymore. 
03 May 19 by member: erikahollister
Why doesn’t it subtract fiber from your carbs? It doesn’t show your net carbs. 
03 May 19 by member: margiepink
I am happy some of the stress is gone. Thinking of you! 
03 May 19 by member: jessabridge4444
Our God is an awesome God! Who would have thought there would be that money available to help you guys?! Only God! Only God can take a “mess” and turn it into a “message”! I’m glad for you guys, and I’ll still be praying for you and your sweet friend. 😊🎈 
03 May 19 by member: laraae
Thank you, God! 
03 May 19 by member: Miraculum
Its Depression Debbie, out of your control. Just pray and give it all to God. Through all things he will strengthen you, when you are weak you are made strong through him.  
03 May 19 by member: Sandra1217
I knew the power of prayer would come through! So happy you have a way out. Hopefully your feeling a bit better? And can focus on keeping yourself healthy xo 
03 May 19 by member: Pixie68
I have had a funk week too. These things happen. It’s good to be honest with the eating. You’re ok. You know what works for you .  
03 May 19 by member: jcmama777
Sorry Debbie on the food and tax issues. lots of good comments on here.  
03 May 19 by member: wholefoodnut
I'm not Christian Cousin Debbie and I don't know what "flavor" Christian you are of my favorite songs to sing with my mother applies..."Our God is an awesome God he reigns from heaven above with wisdom, power and love, Our God is an awesome God" You go girl, you don't need me to tell you that you got this but I will anyways!! <3 
03 May 19 by member: katies71
Margiepink, the medical doctors I've read who advocate for LCHF/keto recommend counting *total* instead of *net* carbs. This is b/c some manufacturers deduct the carbs in sugar alcohols *as well as* fiber in the calculations they use for marketing purposes. For some people (esp. T2 diabetics), sugar alcohols can spike insulin secretion and/or serum glucose. 
03 May 19 by member: Miraculum
We also sing that song in our church, @katies71. As to "flavor," our church is independent Baptist. Thanks for the encouragement, everyone! It has meant a lot, and I'm happy to report that I'm on Day Two of "being good," and lost 3 pounds from yesterday to today. Having a "hungry day," but making very good choices and planning ahead for the day! 
04 May 19 by member: Debbie Cousins
I repeat myself, I know. LOL BUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT Psalm 139 always speaks to my heart no matter what the struggle or need. I am not saying the concerns just disapppear and we don't have things to deal with. It is just that it comforts and strengthens me for the battle.  
04 May 19 by member: jan-e333


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