FullaBella's Journal, 11 September 2013

Although the picture is worth a 1000 words I want to add a few more regarding the one of the hummingbird at the feeder on my previous journal and displayed below.

Getting that little feathered friend into Bellawood yesterday culminated two summers of faith testing patience. The hummingbird was for DH and while he hasn't felt like going outside for several months now I was delighted to be able to record that vision to share with him. I often use the video feature to capture the sounds of the birds chirping as well as the train whistles and church bells from blocks away. It's my way of taking him outdoors without taxing his health.

While I indeed love the doves and sparrows, finches and chickadee's too... the hummingbird flies as the reminder to me to 'give things time .. have faith and patience and it will happen.' The 'dots' are from the water sprinkler ~ it was running at the time and I didn't want to miss 'the first shot' - I think it looks kinda cool.

Wednesday - 9/11 - will I ever write or say that day without the memory? Not likely. Then again, it's crazy that my grandson's are 14 & 16 and didn't know what it meant; I went through their history books and found myself astonished it didn't even rate a chapter or mention. Sad. Makes me want to burn some books and start over. Hmm, wonder if they mention the history of the book burnings?

I'm feeling better - thank you all for your concern and suggestions on resolving the 'burning mouth syndrome' - I think mine was a result of flaking my BP RX too many days here recently. After taking my meds and a good long soak in the Jacuzzi I slept well too.

Something else I want to share - but not in a 'preachy know it all this is the way to do it' stance. I hope by now people who read my journals know that is NOT me. I still take this one day at a time; sometimes one minute at a time. But when I find something that has worked for me I like to share even if it only helps one person.

Cooking. Yes, the homemade macaroni & cheese yesterday was great and yes I was able to eat it mindfully compared to the days I'd say 'screw it... I'm blowing my 'diet' today ...' and climb inside the pot and lick the cheese off my fingers.

For me, I have found that the more I cook, the better I enjoy food to the point I don't need as much 'inside me'.

There's something about the time it takes to prepare the food, chopping and slicing (even more so on those days I don't cut myself )and smelling and visually enjoying the ingredients really helps serve as the true 'appetizer' for me.

My SD commented the other day 'why is it that you always cook MORE when you're losing weight? If *I* started cooking like you I'd gain!'

So, my best answer to share is, FOR ME, if I just toss something in the microwave or phone for delivery or fast food... I guess that's why I get trapped by just eating it quickly and still feeling unsatisfied. My hunger is likely satiated but everything else is still up for grabs.

Maybe sharing this will help anyone reading who feels 'losing weight means you avoid food whenever possible.' If what you're doing right now works for you, all around (emotionally and mentally too) then by all means, don't mess with it. But if you are finding yourself frustrated after eating.. still constantly thinking about food after you've finished ... maybe give good old fashioned home cooking, something very labor intensive, a try.

And if this reads as if I'm trying to claim the originality - I'm not. It's from EWYL where the author takes the concept 'I need to lose weight but I love food too much' and explains the process. If you really 'love' food, then give it the same time and attention as you do anything else you really love.

This concludes my disclaimers, caveats and apologies. Thank you for stopping by and I hope this finds you all having a great day.

Bella " width="100%"/>


Bella, this journal definitely resonates with me and I'm glad you shared it - #1, I love that you take pictures and videos of the birds for your DH, so sweet - and I love my hummingbirds also! I'm always sad when they leave for the winter, but I look forward to their return in the spring.. #2, the part about cooking. I keep saying over and over on multiple buddies' journals that I wish that I cooked more.. I see you and Pam and others talking about these delicious meals that you make/eat, and I get envious.. and really there's no sense in getting envious because it's something that I can control. But in the grand scheme of things, I've let the quality of the food that I put into my body fall to the wayside.. when I have lots of things going on (lesson plans, counselor duties, vb coaching, fundraising, instructional coach, etc etc..), cooking/food is pretty much the FIRST thing that I decide that I don't have time for. So I stock up on Lean Cuisines, yogurt, sandwich meat, etc - anything fast and easy, regardless of how processed it is.... And I just can't stop the cycle!! Then when volleyball ends and I've settled into a routine at school, I STILL don't cook because it's not part of the routine! Bleh.. Sorry this became such a novel, but it really hit me when you said that throwing something in the microwave leaves you unsatisfied and thinking about food continuously - that's me!!!!  
11 Sep 13 by member: erika2633
Erika - thank you and yes, I totally get it, because I've done it. When I was focused in the past I'd use a metaphor like 'if you had company ((boss, date, MIL, LOL)) coming, you wouldn't serve them 'fast junk food' would you?' But when the days filled up with DH illness, hospitals, travel, work, home, grandkids, business, trade shows, pets, etc., I'd find myself way down the ladder of priorities. And yeah, the LQ's and all of those other frozen dinners seemed like a good substitute but for me, they weren't. I was pleased I made it through Dh's Nov12 hospitalization without reverting to the 'quick & easy' trap and have now learned and have faith I will remember that I will not starve to death in the time it takes to quickly chop a few fresh vegetables and toss them in the pan with a slice of salmon or chicken breast; it maybe takes 5 mins longer than the microwaved LQ but sustains me many more hours. You can do it too, I know you can. 
11 Sep 13 by member: FullaBella
The first step I took towards losing weight was start cooking. I never cooked before, ate only frozen meals, and just bc no more of that, I lost 4kg. Can you believe it? Just cause I stopped with all the processed stuff, full of sodium and conservatives! (Never stopped cooking ever since!) 
11 Sep 13 by member: Re Becca
Becca - nodding along as I read your response. I think 'that' was the difference for me. Just like the mac & cheese yesterday; the boxed stuff ... whatever that powdery cheese like thing is that you stir in ... sure.. tasted cheesy but not the same as good REAL cheese grated into a bubbling gravy made of real flour and whole milk. I think the ability to really TASTE it made it so much more enjoyable that I didn't need 'more'. I'll be the first to admit how astonished I was this morning when I read Sharon's comment about it because I had totally forgotten the left overs were still in the Fridge! M&C would never have survived sundown in Bellawood in the past. Then again.. maybe I'm a crappy cook, LOL... :-) Nah... I'm really good. Old fashioned down home southern but good. What an ego I've got, huh? 
11 Sep 13 by member: FullaBella
All the pix are gorgeous, Bella. Loving food in ways other than eating is a wonderful concept - just wish I had the time for that.... I'll keep searching, both for time and for other ways. Have a wonderful evening. Ce 
11 Sep 13 by member: Sweet Ce
Fabulous picture... I love the new camera technology - even the "simplest" of looking cameras (and phone cameras, oh my!) can catch the most amazing pictures with all of the new digital thingamajiggies. I have waffled between the cook and don't cook, bake and don't bake ideologies but I've found peace somewhere in the middle. I no longer cook "just because" it's Christmas, or it's Easter or it's someone's birthday. But if the feeling comes over me and I want to bake, cook, create... I do it! Our relationship with food has to evolve with us... not against us. So finding a happy place where we can both coexist is the ultimate challenge. It's a day to day challenge... but I accept it, in all it's glory and inherent disaster. Life is short. Bring it on! 
11 Sep 13 by member: evelyn64
Just wanted to comment about cookin food. I feel the same as you. I enjoy cooking and the process alone works for me. Cutting and smelling the ingredients (onion, cilantro, garlic, etc.) is "therapeutic"... I feel more satisfied after homemade food that I prepared. Great article! Thanks for sharing. 
11 Sep 13 by member: flaca01
I think my biggest problem is keeping things "ready" to be cooked. With just DH and I at home and both of us with hectic schedules, we never know who will be home when to have supper, so we are really bad at meal planning - otherwise we could do crockpot meals in the morning if we knew we would be home at night to eat it! Haha.. Or keeping things like chicken breast or hamburger meat - we have it in the freezer, but I never think of it in time to get it out and thaw it before I'm already starving or it's too late at night... 
11 Sep 13 by member: erika2633
@CE - thank you. I think it's like anything; when it becomes important, you'll make the time. 
12 Sep 13 by member: FullaBella
@Eveyln - thank you. I heard some stat the other day that more photos are recorded on phones than cameras these days; I'm still pulling down the stats, LOL. And yep, just like moving liver and onions to my breakfast I decided roasting a Turkey isn't just for Thanksgiving anymore. I think taking the exclusivity out of those foods helped me find a balance for consuming them. 
12 Sep 13 by member: FullaBella
@Flaca - thank you. While I'm not ready to 'test' the theory just yet, sometimes I feel if I worked in a bakery I'd probably drop 10lbs, LOL :-) Maybe next year. 
12 Sep 13 by member: FullaBella
@Erika - I understand completely. While it isn't fresh nor guaranteed organic, I use Schwans frozen for those last minute meals. My favorite 'I just don't have time to slice & dice' meal is to toss salmon and Mediterranean vegetables into the skillet with coconut oil. Takes 5 mins max. 
12 Sep 13 by member: FullaBella
So you just put the frozen salmon in the skillet? 
12 Sep 13 by member: erika2633
Yep - I may give it about a min longer than the veggies; let it sear on both sides. 
12 Sep 13 by member: FullaBella
I'm back and back reading - soaking in every word. xxxx no ooo's 
01 Oct 13 by member: Neptunebch


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