miteslur's Journal, 13 April 2008

Well, well, well... here I find myself sitting and thinking and contemplating and thinking some more. I had a serious talk with my hubby yesterday, about my weight. I have come to a place where I know I NEED to lose weight and yet I have stalled in my weight loss journey. I guess I was kidding myself into thinking it would just happen by eating healthier foods. lol I had to ask myself "what is the problem?!". To be honest, I'm not sure other than a lack of true, deep down, commitment. Commitment and passion.

Within the last 2 weeks, I had something simple occur (medically) but didn't know it was "simple" when I first discovered it. It scared the beejuju out of me! My thoughts were "My daughter is TOO young to lose her mother!", followed immediately by "YOU HAVE GOT TO LOSE WEIGHT...N O W!!!". Thoughts of not wanting a stroke or heart attack to be my "wake up call" buzzed about my head for several days. Appreciation for life, my family, and friends, became evident! I am so thankful that I haven't had to experience a heart attack or stroke, nor do I want it to come to that. However, I am still saddled with the problem of "why can't I commit to losing weight"? I have not come up with a solid answer yet.
I have realized that to lose the weight, it must come from a commitment within my heart. I have also discovered that part of my problem could be that I'm a "hands on learner" and trying to follow SBD by a book could be why I haven't grasped it yet.

In any case, this next week I'm going to focus on finding out ways to help me be successful. I think part of my problem has been that I haven't treated my weight loss as a "must" nor have I viewed myself as "dieting". I've simply tried "changing my lifestyle" by eating better foods. Better foods is great, but in order to lose the weight, I have to make some drastic changes in my eating and exercise habits...and THIS is what I need to figure out. Where am I going wrong and how do I fix it? I NEED to change my frame of mind so that I am aware I AM dieting! I need to diet in order to lose weight. Once I've lost the weight, then I can focus on the healthy lifestyle. Somehow, though, I've settled for excuses to eat things I know I shouldn't, I guess. I was successful in losing weight a few years ago, when I joined Weight Watchers. But, I got bored with it and couldn't afford to keep paying the fees.

SO! It's time I spend this next week in revving up my motivation and focus on losing some dang weight! Tax season will be over on Tuesday! Praise God! Once Tuesday is over with, I intend to log all my food intake onto . That website seems to help. I will start with that and go from there. I have been increasing my exercise, thanks to the new challenge. However, reporting my weight by Saturday seems to be difficult for me. Saturday is the day we are out and about. However, I will try to report my weigh in by Friday afternoon.

I realize this is a bunch of mumbo jumbo to other people who read it. But, I needed to write it out so that I could see it. I need to get serious. And, I know it.

Came up with a solution to one problem...sweets. I have a sweet tooth terribly! Decided that instead of buying the WW ice cream bars and 100 cal. cookie packs, I will make myself SB dessert recipes to keep on hand. Just ran across a recipe for peanut butter and jelly cookies on the SBD website. Think I'll make a batch of those to keep in the freezer. =)


Wow! I can tell that you've without a doubt turned a corner in your decision to become serious and focused about weight loss. Your action plan sounds smart and involving your hubby in the dialogue was crucial. Well done.  
13 Apr 08 by member: massiverally
YEAH!! Commitment and wanting it more than anything is KEY!!! Great job on turning another corner towards your goal! YOU can DO THIS! :) Loves ya girl... we're gonna be HOT in Mexico, oh and it'll be "hot" there, too! lol  
13 Apr 08 by member: bullytrouble
I am glad you're taking a serious look at your health. Might I suggest using your food journal and being 100%truthful with it. If you stick to a good plan, it will get to where certain foods become treats! The only person you're hurting, could be you and EVERYONE who loves you. Sweets or my children? Sweets or a longer life? It's totally up to what's more important in your life. I'm only speaking bluntly to you because I feel I known you for a while and I care for you. You can do soon as you make up your mind to believe it's worth it. It IS worth it!  
13 Apr 08 by member: ImLuuvd
My friend... Many of us DO understand your "mumbo jumbo"! Many of us have been there. Everyone has different circumstances BUT... you have the right idea! We each have to make that COMMITTMENT! Commit to not eating a 35 calorie fudgsicle EVERY night! Not eating cookies every day because they are only 100 cal. packs! What is a hundred calories???? Well, they aren't going to help you get to a goal very fast! In Dec. '07 a friend told me I wasn't committed in my heart to lose weight! Well, I was VERY p..o..'ed. Actually EXTREMEMLY p..o..'ed!!! A couple other things happened in the last 12 months to wake me up. Also, I was at my son's house & he gained 50#'s in his 1st year out of the Marines & I was worried (lol...knowing his gene's). His wife is addicted to Biggest Loser (which I would NEVER watch) but I was in their home. So we watched it, WOW what a great show! Needless to say many times these things came into my mind & I kept telling myself it was time. I kept eating!!! Then one night I told myself I MUST do this & decided to change things. The next morning I started by not eating anything with ANY flour, rice, potato or SUGAR. About two weeks later I found this website. SBD, the people here @ Fatsecret & MY FOCUS have made this happen. YOU my dear have that moment at your fingertips! It is like the brass ring on a merry-go-round! GRAB it & go for it! Stay focused & know that you are saving your life & enabling your daughter to have the opportunity to have you with her & playing with her for alot more years than if you do nothing! You have GREAT friends here. There are many people that are here & want to help you! I am geting to be an old lady but I want to be prouder of myself & healthy for my family! Good luck to you & if I can help I will try! By the way, after I had lost about 10-15 #'s I went to the friend that had told me I wasn't committed & told her that I was eternally thankful! SHE WAS RIGHT! 
13 Apr 08 by member: pretty face
Thanks guys! I have been kidding myself with my food intake, I'm sure. Not recording it, not really keeping close tabs, all it does is allows me to eat more than I think I am and that's not going to help me lose! It was suggested I start using the FS food journal, so that I could be accountable to my friends, and also so that I would have a reason to log accurately, for help and suggestions! =) I am going to do'll just take some patience, commitement, and hard work on my end! xoxo  
13 Apr 08 by member: miteslur
After posting my journal entry I read yours--read mine and then you'll see your "mumbo jumbo" is my truth! If I find secrets to success this week, I will pass them on--sounds like we are bobbing around in the same boat--if not the same boat, we're at least in the same sea!! Good luck this week, and perhaps we should team up to keep eachother honest. Having only been on the site for a week now, and the first 3 days hiding from it because I was cheating, I realize it is completely dopey to hide from an amazing support group who are all in it together. So, that's my first step to success this week--prioritizing fatsecret and reading the inspiration and encouragment that is here. Good luck--and thanks to all! 
13 Apr 08 by member: ecm2008
not mumbo jumbo at all... I tried various half-hearted attempts at losing but was not able to REALLY COMMIT until I had a different kind of wake up call (someone I cared about was very cruel to me about my weight). Anyway, you're new to my buddies list, so I don't know what was going on with you before, but it sounds like you are turning a wonderful corner and that that simple medical problem was just what you needed. you can do it! the commitment is 90% of the battle. I look forward to seeing your chart start to drop down, and not just because you're my teammate! :) 
14 Apr 08 by member: cindylynnwho
Thanks guys! I totally need your support and appreciate every bit of it!!!  
14 Apr 08 by member: miteslur

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